Sun . Java . Code Library . c*

{ ... // cases, from lower to upper, from upper to lower, java.lang.String
String toLowerCase()
String toUpperCase()
... }


{ ... // cast
double x;
double y;
x = 8.888;
y = (int) x; // value 8 is assigned into y
y = (int) Math.round(x); // value 9 is assigned into y
... }


{ ... // character at certain location, java.lang.String
char charAt (int index)
... }


{ ... // compare to other strings, java.lang.String
int compareTo(String otherStrings)
... }


{ ... // concatenation, WHEN joining 2 or more strings together
String pVectorD1;
String pVectorD2;
pVectorD1 = "TTC";
pVectorD2 = "ACT";
String atcg = pVectorD1 + pVectorD2;
System.out.println(atcg); // printing TTCACT ... , at this moment, possible mutation is CA*
... }

{ ... // conditional variables, 1st to understand scopes and its nested logic, example 1
function_name (data_type parameterized_arguments) { // 1st scope
int x; // variable x as integer
y = computing value; // WRONG DESIGN, because variable y has not been defined yet
z = computing value; // WRONG DESIGN, because variable z has not been defined yet
... {
    int y; // variable y as integer, but only within THIS 2nd nested scope the function_name
    int x; // WRONG DESIGN, because variable x has been redefined

    z = computing value; // WRONG DESIGN, because variable z undefined
        int z; // variable z as interger, but only within THIS 3rd nested scope the function_name
        int x, y; // WRONG DESIGN, because variable x and y have been redefined

        x = non integer computing value; // WRONG DESIGN, because x has been defined as integer

        // WRONG DESIGN, because y has been predefined, but never use neither in 2nd nor 3rd
...   }   }   }  

// therefore, conditional variables are classified into defined/predefined/redefined/undefined/... /...

... }


{ ... // constant, mathematical constant
... }

{ ... // constant note: use final only for constant
final double variable_name = number;
... }