Sun . Java . Code Library . s*

setRefreshTime (java.awt.event.ActionEvent   ActionEvent) {try {
int rate = Integer.valueOf (time.getText ()).intValue ();
timer.setDelay (rate);
} catch (NumberFormatException   Exception) {
time.setText (String.valueOf (timer.getDelay ()));
time.selectAll ();
time.requestFocus ();

{ ...
double x = 2;
double y;
y = Math.sqrt(x);
System.out.println(y); // square root of number 2 will be printed
//, and then do further research WHY 22 times ...
//, WHERE mantissa is going to be truncating ...
//, WHICH vendor's microcontroller, processor, ...
... }

{ ... // strings, Java provides 50+ methods in String class
String acgt = ""; // no character exists in the string acgt
String acgt = "TTC"; // amino acid code TTC is assigned into acgt, thus acgt contains TTC at this moment
... }


{ ... // substring of strings, java.lang.String
String substring (int beginIndexOfString)
String substring (int beginIndexOfString, int endIndexOfString)
... }