; ; ; ; Updated in 2023 : August : 29th (Tuesday) : Chemical _ in _ Physics;

; ; ; ; Updated on 29 : 8 : 2023 : Chemical / Physical ;

Approx. 40+ info available to read;   Also see: Chemical Elements;

ACTION or process of precipitating (e.g. substance from a solution) i.e. precipitation; YIN and YANG of, Pros & Cons of, chemical causes physical, physical causes chemical, ... ;

news; note; note;

Explicit (combination of atoms), i.e. Molecule; Types of atoms (since all materials of matter have been made of atoms), i.e. element; Number of atoms in 1 Substance (doko WHERE Water behaves like substances) ... ; (atomic level macroscopic level) in process, WHEN COUNTERS are counting Number of particles, UNIT should be ("mole"); since the defined atom is with (negatively charged electron AND positively charged nucleus (a.k.a. proton, neutron)), electron's (energy level, shell) in ( Electron configuration, Electron configuration, Electron configuration, Electron configuration) prompts electronic structural of the defined (atom, element, molecule, substance; (periodicity, properties of elements, property) Display composition of materials in quantum mechanical design model, so variable data define the atoms' (( hatsugen Observation, hatsugen Proposal, hatsugen Remark, hatsugen Speech, hatsugen Statement, hatsugen Utterance), state, stated, stating) by mass-spectrometry DATA, interaction with (defined light, directional gravity spots, electromagnetic waves, lights) can provide ( Measure, measure, measurement) of concentrations WHICH (lead to, represent as) Symbol illustrations; Computers for computing Distance (e.g. OH+ OH+ Distance), formation of New Substance, (physical AND biochemical) processes, transformations, so Parameter e.g. atom, element, energy, force, ion, molecule, object, ... ; (physical property (Matter), physical property (Substance)), diff properties e.g. gaseous, liquid, solid, ... determined by WHICH (concentration, mixture, solution, solvent) and regarding antiviral COVID-19 (2019-2020-2021) medicine, winners are Germany, Japan, and USA; Also see: Chemical _in_ Physics; mathematical Bamboo Stem R&D; Nanobot Programming;

In 2005, used engine oil can be reversed chemical engineered to become gasoline [NHK news]; Also see: Ion's spiral path direction; Materials; Plasma cluster technology by Sharp;


A-Si, Amorphous Silicon, TFT fabrication;

AlN, Aluminum Nitride, HEMT;

Al-Cu vs. Cu;

AlGaAs, 850 nm conventional VCSEL at 25Gb/s;

ArF, Argon Fluoride; Immersion lithography, [www.nec.co.jp/press/en/0606/2003.html];

BaTiO3, nanocrystals' functional catalytic,  [w3.chula.ac.th/research/en/congra/Piyasan.pdf; 2006];

C6H12O6, glucose, also see: extracting electron and hydrogen by enzymatic oxidation inside of bio battery to produce 50mW; [http://www.sony.net/SonyInfo/News/Press/200708/07-074E/ ; 2007] ;

C60, CNT, cabon nanotube;

CeO2, nanocrystals' functional catalytic, Chemical + Electronics + Materials, [w3.chula.ac.th/research/en/congra/Piyasan.pdf; 2006];

CS, Cadmium Sulfide, photocell for light sensor ;   CdS, Cadmium Sulfide, approx. 100K ohms in dark room environment, approx. 10K ohms in ambient light, approx. 500 ohms in normal room with light;

FeGe; Also see: Magnet;

Fe2O3, nanocrystals' functional catalytic, [w3.chula.ac.th/research/en/congra/Piyasan.pdf; 2006];


GaAs, Gallium Arsenide, MESFET;

GaN, Gallium Nitride, HEMT;   GaN, substrates, FPC;

GeSbTe, Germanium Antimony Tellurium, To control accumulators, microcontrollers have been designed; Microcontroller's SOC MOS mem cell phase changes at 100 micro A and 1.5 V, by Dope O; [www.hitachi.com/New/cnews/051213.html]; V=IR, and HighR 1, LowR 0 via Tungsten BEC;

Hf, Hafnium, [www.nec.co.jp/press/en/0506/1601.html];

HfSiON, 50% Hf, [www.nec.co.jp/press/en/0606/2002.html]; HfSiON, High-k gate;

InGaAlAs, Indium Gallium Aluminum Arsenide, Aluminum based, operating temperature 0 °C ~ 80 °C, 40 km distance, no temperature control needed, 10Gbps, optical modulator related material, [www.hitachi.com/New/cnews/050714a.html];

Li-ion, Lithium Ion, battery; Also see: mAh;

LiCoO2 anodes, lithium-ion cells, commonly used battery cells, 10°C ~ 45°C operating temperature, 4.25V charging voltage; IF >4.25V, crystal lattice transformation occurs by LiCoO2's reversible reaction, >4.25V potential may destroy lattice;



Nb, Niobium, polymer solid electrolytic capacitor, NEC;

Ni3Si, pFET, [www.nec.co.jp/press/en/0606/2002.html]; Ni3Si 53%, PMOS;

Ni-Cd, Ni-Cad, Nickel Cadmium, battery;

NiMH, Nickel Metal Hydride, battery; Also see: mAh;

NiSi, nFET, [www.nec.co.jp/press/en/0606/2002.html]; NiSi 28%, NMOS;

No cadmium Cd   AND   no lead Pb   AND   no mercury Hg; Also see: ORB;


p-Si, poly Silicon, TFT fiabrication;

PZT, Lead zirconate titanate, 82 40 22 , [www.nec.co.jp/press/en/0602/2101.html];

Si, Silicon, fundamental nanophotonics;


SiC, Silicon Carbide, HEMT;

SiGeHBT, silicon germanium transistor, 5GHz wireless, [www.nec.co.jp/press/en/0207/1502.html];

SiN, Silicon Nitride; Stress test to a gate; Electron & hole's stress; Also see: STI;


SiOCH, [www.nec.co.jp/press/en/0606/2001.html];

Te-O-Pd, Tellurium Sub-oxide palladium doped, 4 layered CD, panasonic, 2006;

TiO2, nanocrystals' functional catalytic, [w3.chula.ac.th/research/en/congra/Piyasan.pdf; 2006]; Also see: O2 sensor;   TiO2 to Pd Ag TiO2; Also see: X ray spectrometer, [w3.chula.ac.th/research/en/congra/joongjai.pdf; 2006];

ZrO2, nanocrystals' functional catalytic, [w3.chula.ac.th/research/en/congra/Piyasan.pdf; 2006];

