; year
2566 in Buddha
Sasana Calendar ...
2022 :
June :
26 (Sunday) : Updated :
Physics Law 142 ;
142) :
in common, "vector" represents
in addition, NOT ONLY direction, BUT ALSO query result from
RDBMS should be
defined as Vector also; e.g.
Keyword would be: SQL query statement As
method, procedure, technique,
... ; another example would be: in (2564,
2020), in our earth, this DOMAIN 's
Gene Therapy
System, to solve and cure unwanted Coronavirus a.k.a.
by query
vector (DNA,
RNA) patterns, ... ;
Mathematics; PHYSICS; definition : directional way ... ,
e.g. Automotive 's GPS based destination
as vector, i.e.
directional way ... ;
e.g. determining position of point as vector, i.e.
directional way ... ;
e.g. in space, one relative to another as vector, i.e.
directional way ... ;
e.g. magnitude's direction as vector, i.e.
directional way ... ;
e.g. transmitting disease or parasite from one to another, i.e.
directional way ... ;
Euclidean vector; Matrix vector;
setsudo Perturbation, deviation of the defined system, e.g. external magnetic induction vector,
e.g. ((process, processed, processing) from its normal
(state, stated, stating),
e.g. (process, processed, processing) from its regular (state, stated,
of moving (item, object, thing) 's
well trained kids! replied: in addition to your definitions, can we add one more "law" regarding vector sir ?
I wrote: Yes. you can have your own new laws;
well trained kids! replied: i.e. vector
Graphics sir, e.g. after creating (
gazo Picture,
gazo Picture,
gazo Picture) of (wanted ones, unwanted ones), one good example would be:
Antiviral COVID-19, i.e. wanted ones), (
COVID-19 Positive Respiratory, i.e. unwanted ones)) to cure
therefore, we'll write one of our new laws, i.e. if 2 Pictures are marked as date created, and date modified, e.g.
the same image bit depth, e.g. the same 24;
the same image dimension, e.g. the same 108x108;
the same image height, e.g. the same 108 pixels image height;
the same image width, e.g. the same 108 pixels image width;
the same file item type, e.g. the same (.bmp) file item type;
And Then, using wanted ones, to do resource control against (unwanted ones, Remark: in this case study, unwanted ones is "COVID-19 Positive Respiratory); very easy and very simple, and we've already solved HOW to cure COVID-19;
therefore, digital graphics, (film, filmed, filming), medical imaging, photo (e.g. Cyber shot photo, e.g. digital camera photo shot), ... must obey vector Graphics; i.e. our new law sir;
(.bmp), (.gif), (.jpg) As Vector;
Directions As Vector;
query result from RDBMS As Vector;
I wrote: since year 2000, we've been Browser based computing (e.g. My noCOOKIE Browser), And Then, HOW about (link, linked, linking) as hyperlinks, hyper graphics can be Vector also ?
well trained kids! replied: we've already copied yours, so we'll add one more law i.e.
(.bmp), (.gif), (.jpg) As Vector;
Browser based (link, linked, linking) As Vector;
Directions As Vector;
query result from RDBMS As Vector;
I wrote: since year 1999, for mobile computing, we've been using GPS : Keyword : destination, SMS, ... , so can Destination Text String be Vector also ?
well trained kids! replied: we've already copied yours, so we'll add one more law i.e.
(.bmp), (.gif), (.jpg) As Vector;
Browser based (link, linked, linking) As Vector;
Directions As Vector;
GPS Destination As Vector;
query result from RDBMS As Vector;
I wrote: I smiled Umm!! Umm!! since 2010, Gravity Dimension Computer based computing for (elevating, landing), using gravity spots (Also see: Physics Law 129, duo-binary Gravity Spots, ... ), so can gravity spots be Vector also ?
well trained kids! replied: we've already copied yours, so we'll add one more law i.e.
(.bmp), (.gif), (.jpg) As
Browser based (link, linked, linking) As Vector;
Directions As Vector;
GPS Destination As Vector;
Gravity (Dot, Point, Spot) As Vector;
query result from RDBMS As Vector;
I wrote: nowadays in 2020s, I've been very very busy with 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index, and can we avoid (category 4+ storm, earthquake, tsunami) natural disasters by using Manmade Global Weather (artificial Vector) also ?
Oh! Oh! regarding
Idea Processor, also
Radical ;
Radical ;
Radical ;
Radicals, and
don't forget THAT (dimensional,
logical, numerological,
structural) for each radical As
Vector also.
well trained kids! replied: we've already copied yours, so we'll add one more law i.e.
(.bmp), (.gif), (.jpg) As Vector;
Browser based (link, linked, linking) As Vector;
Directions As Vector;
GPS Destination As Vector;
Gravity (Dot, Point, Spot) As Vector;
query result from RDBMS As Vector;
As artificial Vector;
As artificial Vector;
As artificial Vector;
I wrote:
of course, do good kharma (khamma)
Action, good results will
... ;
ability to cope, also see: Physics Law 150, ... ;
ability to cope;
e.g. regarding
Gene Therapy
System, good
gene pattern
of selected DNA,
section of selected RNA)
as wanted ones,
And Then, Vector
should do good
kharma (khamma)
Action ... ;
I wrote: 21st century & beyond, approx. after year 2030, 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index As Vector, a gift to you ... , e.g. invisibility engineering products, invisible insectoid reports to invisible animaloid reports to invisible humanoids (RDBMS) ... , and I believe in ..\..\Buddha\index, and
power of the Internet must be peaceful & tranquil;
ware ware We've to be immune d ones to survive
... ;
zahyo Coordinate,
zahyo Coordinate,
zahyo Coordinate,
zahyo Coordinate,
Coordinate) ... ;
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