Updated in
2025 :
1 :
17 :
: Device Acronym;
Approx. 55+ device acronyms available to read;
2025 design model POC; e.g.
Point-Of-Care (
medical Device Acronym, e.g. blood gas analyzer,
coagulation (
area: International Normalized
Ratio (I N R))
structural ketone (R-C-R')),
meter, i-Stat
analyzer, urinalysis (urinary)
analyzer, Virus (e.g. COVID-19, Flu) indicator, and etc.
nitotte For
e.g. (instant Dx, New Patient (Pt) to be registered, Patient As Member, patient
without medical record
(e.g. a "Tarzan" for humanity),
rapid Dx,
... with
timestamp to define (normal or abnormal) in
Disease Disorder Acronym;
12/21/2024 MSN news; University of Bristol (URL: www.bristol.ac.uk) + the UK Atomic Energy Authority, (URL: www.gov.uk (U K A E A)), invented world (our earth) 's 1st. C14 diamond shape battery WHICH leverages C14 (Lifespan: 1000+ years of "no need to recharge the battery"), the new invention "C14 diamond shape battery" can be used for medical devices ((hearing aid), (ocular implant), (pacemaker), ... ), and also can be used in spacecrafts;
retrospectively to
(1986 Yangon University)
Quantum Mechanics (
energy levels (e.g. (electrons, electron Volt (eV)) in
kyori Distance,
kyori Distance,
kyori Distance) are different, in common, those energy levels are
limited (to or by) Plunk Number; on
the other hand, kuru kuru
dealing with (lateral, outbound,
outgoing, outward) C14 radioisotopes,
unmanageable before 12/21/2024;
developer's remark: in (electrical, electronics), different
potential means ((either minus ion or plus ion), (either Minus or Plus)),
structural Battery is (functional, ready state, up-and-running), so in this
case, different potentials forever means "no need to recharge the battery"
means beyond Yellow Color goes away if Silver Color and Navy Blue Color are
flip-flopping, also beyond Aqua Color and Navy Blue Color are flip-flopping,
Silver Color goes away, and so on "C14 diamond battery" ... ; Also see:
Device Acronym;
1990s to present,
Zombie machine
is a part of Gravity
Dimension Computer (directional gravity, m i t c h a k u s e i
Adhesion (a.k.a. bio-glue)), because bio cells
(local (10)) can be
activated (remote
(100)), and
since 1995, because of
"zombie" machine, life again, relive, and we've learnt and realized THAT
Buddhism way (samsara) is TRUE
... ; for basic understanding of
(bit-by-bit, level-by-level, step-by-step) all the way to nowadays'
6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index, also see:
PHYSICS, because we ethnic tribes need to know and learn
a little bit ... ;
e.g. this DOMAIN
this DOMAIN 's
OEM, Original Equipment
well trained kids! replied : WHY highlighted with {11,11,11} and font color {E3,E3,E3} sir ?
I wrote : we learnt long long
time ago in 1980s
retrospectively, and
at the present 2020s,
kuru kuru
dealing with devices,
IoT s,
V M, ... , we truly need black screen, black ZCS, dark screen, dark ZCS, ...
like a DOS . P IF (a.k.a. Command Prompt) alike;
for well trained kids! I've
a gift i.e.
zcs Black, 108x108 dimensional, then realize and
understand (3,3,3,3) is multi p l e x o r group, if we compare (10,7,10) is
adder group, regarding 108;
well trained kids! replied :
g o z a i m a s u,
thank you;
I wrote : OK. learn more regarding Hiragana, Kanji, and Katakana, And Then, work for Japanese a.k.a. NIPPON, the most advanced people of our earth; nowadays, I'm very very very busy with HOW ... , 1000000 (reversed yellowish variation), 100000 (yellowish variation), 10000 (universal), 1000 (global), 100 (remote), 10 (local), like a game, I a i n 't know WHO designed & modeled Zombie machine ?
Also see: Meter;
A c c u v i x X Q Ultrasound, M e d i s o n; Medical Imaging; O B G;
A l o k a SSD 3500 Ultrasound, Walling-ford; Medical Imaging;
Anal dilator + Purse string suture + Circular stapler; P P H; G E; G S;
Berkeley VC, A C M I; Uterine aspiration; O B G;
Bio net Cardio Care 2000 EKGs with interpretation;
Bowel Prep Kit, Braintree; H a l f l y t e l y prep kit; GE; GS;
Bowel Prep Kit, Fleet A c c u-Prep; GE; GS;
BP cuff; Resuscitation PD;
Butterfly G; Resuscitation PD;
Cardiac defibrillator and pacemaker; Since 1973, the devices have been used;
Cardiac Implant ((I C D, Implantable Cardio vector Defibrillator), leads, pulse generator);
Cardio Resting EKG, E M R compatible, PC based cardiology;
C G M (Continuous Glucose Monitor) i.e. without drawing blood for lab test report of insulin level, IFF type 1 diabetes, also see: 2561 2018 CME Q&A no. 149;
Chest tube F; Resuscitation PD;
C o l p o scopes; Digital/Optical/Video images collecting/documenting/teaching;
(c o l p o scope (measuring tissue) with integrated HD video camera for optional monitor, devices and accessories, endometrial biopsy device, endometrial sample (e.g. 24cm formable shaft), fetal Doppler ultrasound (F H R value and waveform, heart rate of fetus by 2.5MHz ultrasound frequency), uterine manipulator/injector, vaginal pH testing, ... ), also see: www.gynex.com;
Compact Prism Loupes; GS;
Cutting forceps; Coagulate, Grasp, Transect; O B G;
Defibrillation/cardio external paddle; Infant paddle or Adult paddle; Resuscitation PD;
Dolphin II, A C M I; Real time fluid & pressure measuring device; O B G;
D X A, Dual energy x-ray absorptiometry [Better bone in CME Mon graph; CME; 2005]; Skeletal;
also see:
Schematic Dimensional;
Based Medical
Sensor has 8 "black" squares sir ? Oh! they are parts of
DEE _ lines _ horizontal and DEE _ lines _ vertical; WHY 2 of 6
"white" dots are diagonally 45 degree sir ? Oh! this DOMAIN has
been designed by ((2*5), (2*6), (2*7)), and using (2*6) momentum
is like that; WHY "green" triangle at top edge, and "blue" triangle
is at bottom edge sir ? Oh! since we've been using directional
gravity, and green electronic line prompts north naturally, of
course "Earth Based" would be like that at the right side; HOW
much does it worth sir ? IT is worth billions and billions of
dollars, but
and ZCS based, therefore, you well trained kids! should develop
medical sensors; WHY 6 "white" dots only sir ? hey! don't forget
that you well trained kids! don't need too many holes to sense
strings WHEN you design sensors by juten
Filling Method;
Remember: multi colors
coding can only be defined HOW "white" dots' value changes ...
i.e. HOW to design sensors ... ;
electrocardiogram, e.g.
also see: e
E m b o sphere Micro spheres, Bio Sphere Medical; Uterine fibroid embolization; DR; O B G;
Endo path X c e l, t r o cars, E t h icon Endo Surgery; Bladeless; Blunt tip; GS;
Endoscope for trans-gastric surgery; GE; GS;
endoscopy (5.8 mm); endoscopy (9.8 mm);
FISH Glassman Viscera Retainer, Adept-Med; Safer abdominal closure; GS;
Harmonic ACE, E t h icon Endo Surgery; GS;
Harmonic Scalpel, E t h icon Endo Surgery; Ultrasonic cutting; Coagulating; GS;
H y s t e r o scopes; O B G;
IUD, Intrauterine Device [The Journal of Reproductive Medicine; Vol. 50; No. 3];
IV catheter G; Resuscitation PD;
j o s a i d o k i Defibrillator;
L a r y g n o scope blade; Straight or Curved; Resuscitation PD;
M/L clip, Medium/Large clips, 5 ~ 10 mm applier, [E t h icon Endo-Surgery; Contemporary Surgery; Vol. 62; No. 11; 2006];
medical physicist, also see:
thirty two) ... ;
Medical video printer, MV plug-and-play color image printer, 2006;
Moss Gastro s t o my Tube; GE; GS;
MRI, Magnetic Resonance Imaging;
NMR, also see:
Physics Law 146;
N a so gastric tube F; Resuscitation PD;
NG Tube;
N I M EM G Reinforced Endo tracheal Tube, N I M response system, Medtronic XO MED; Vocal cord monitoring while in thyroid e c to my procedures; GS;
O2 mask; Resuscitation PD;
ON-Q Soaker Catheter, I Flow Corporation; Pain buster; GS;
Oral airway; Resuscitation PD;
Pap Test, Thin Prep; Liquid based; C y t y c Corporation; P a p i l l o m a virus reflex test; O B G;
Pelvic Muscle Trainer, Athena Feminine Technology; O B G;
pH and Amines TEST, Quick V u e Advance, Q u i l d e l; Infectious v a g i n i t i s instant [2 minutes] evaluation; FP; IM; OBG;
pump : Infusion Pump; Insulin Pump;
Q C T, Quantitative Computed Tomography; Skeletal;
Q U S, Quantitative Ultrasound; Skeletal;
Resuscitation bag; Resuscitation PD;
Robotic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass [Archives of Surgery; Vol. 140; No. 8; 2005]: Anesthesia + d a Vinci robotic console + d a Vinci patient side robotic arms + Electro c a u t e r y + In s u f f l a t i o n monitors + Scrub table; GS;
SA N U WAVE; e.g. derma PACE acoustic device, for diabetic foot ulcers;
screener audiometer;
Skin Station, R a d i a n c y; Skin disorders; D; FP; O B G;
SO NO LINE G40, Ultrasound; Siemens Medical Solutions; Medical Imaging; O B G;
Style t F; Resuscitation PD;
Suction catheter F; Resuscitation PD;
S X A, Single energy x-ray absorptiometry; Skeletal;
Tracheal tube mm; Un cuffed or Cuffed; Resuscitation PD;
Tracheal tube length lip's cm; Resuscitation PD;
Urinary catheter F; Resuscitation PD;
using (Sound Beam (Dx),
... ;
VAC, Vacuum Assisted Closure, K C I; Diabetic wounds, open abdominal wounds, orthopedic trauma wounds, partial thickness burns, pressure ulcers, skin grafts; GS;
Wave, A C M I; Ergonomic battery pump & hand pieces; Suction irrigation; OBG;
Welch A l l y n Integrated Diagnostic System (any wall aneroid, ophthalmoscope, oto scope, specula dispenser, thermometer); IFF CME (FP), also see: no.121;
Wound pathogens: Aqua c el Ag Dressing, Con v a Tec; FP; IM;
Wound retractor, Alexis, Applied Medical; Small incision; GS; O B G;
60 mm Endo Path Staple for Endo-surgery; GS;
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