; ; ; ; Updated in 2023 : 11 : 18 : Specialties GS, Surgery General;

by medical surgery (fix artificial object, fix tissue, insert artificial object, insert tissue) i.e. ( Implant, Implant, Implant, Implant), to WHOM; Also see: Dental Implant; (i.e. Oral Surgery); Specialties GS;

F R S S, Forward Resuscitative Surgery System [Archives of Surgery; Vol. 140; No. 1; 2005];

FTP, Flexible Trans gastric P e r i t o n e o scopy [General Surgery News; Vol. 32; No. 8; 2005];


Colorectal surgery: Open vs. L a p r o scopy; (((B-lymphocyte cell quantity) (C-reactive protein level) (C y t o toxic T-cell quantity) (Helper T-cell quantity) (Interleukin no. level) (Natural killer cell quantity) (T-lymphocyte cell quantity)) by flow c y t o m e t r y C D numbers );

E G D, E s o p h a g o gastro duo den o scopy [Archives of Surgery; Vol. 140; No. 1; 2005];

Harmonic ACE, E t h i con Endo Surgery, up to 5mm vessel sealing, real time h e m o stasis  maintenance, minimal tissue damage, [Contemporary Surgery; Vol. 61; No.8; 2005];

LARS, Laparoscopic Anti reflux Surgery [Archives of Surgery; Vol. 140; No. 1; 2005];  

MATT, Minimal Access Therapy Technique;  

M A V H, Micro laparoscopic Assisted Vaginal Hysterectomy ;

M M V R, Medicine Meet Virtual Reality;

Robotic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass [Archives of Surgery; Vol. 140; No. 8; 2005]; Specialties GE;

T I V R, Total Immersion Virtual Reality [Laparoscopy Today; Vol. 3; No. 2; 2004];

Lookup images, CD;

P P H, Procedure for Pro lapse and Hemorrhoids; Specialties GE;

S L N B X, Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy;  

T N M, Tumor Node Metastasis;

Weight Loss Surgery: 60 mm Endo Path Stapler for e n d o-surgery;

Gene Therapy System;
