; ; ; ; Updated in 2024 : June : 3rd (Monday) :  Physics Law 126 ;

; ; ; ; Updated on 3 : 6 : 2024;

(law 126) : Zoom ((Analog, Digital), (Zoom-In, Zoom-Out)) ... ;

mechanics; e.g.

( mechanics, mechanics) i.e. forces are producing motion in Action, e.g. ( 9801_AquaZCS, 9801_Default) 's results may be variable, depending upon HOW you define your ( location of light-source and view-of-the-camera (zoom)); Remark: usages e.g. quantum mechanics, thermal dynamic, two groups of moving objects in 3,4 dimensional, ... ;

camera; e.g.

( camera, camera, camera, camera), also see: c Character Extension 1; 5cComputer; Physics Law 126, Zoom ((Analog, Digital), (Zoom-In, Zoom-Out));

( catch cold, catch fire, change, drift, moving, passing into, Shift) ... sequence of iro LED, n i t o t t e For k a k u Each ( ZCS _Camera, ZCS _Camera _Sensor, ZCS _resolution) ... ;

I wrote: regarding (ZCS _Camera's black color dot, ZCS _Camera _Sensor's white color dot), HOW should we iroColourWaveForm (coloring) of transitions?

well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! very very easy sir, transitions should be colored as:

transition for each ( ZCS ) based camera  
transition1 for each ( ZCS ) based camera  
transition2 for each ( ZCS ) based camera  
transition3 for each ( ZCS ) based camera  
transition4 for each ( ZCS ) based camera  
transition5 for each ( ZCS ) based camera  

I wrote: mochiron of course, well trained kids are very very smart ones already, knowing of the sequence of colors, for each camera (lens) ... ; after understanding "sequence of colors" IT is the time to R&D directional gravity spots ... ; after understanding "directional gravity spots" IT is the time to R&D "flying" kadosei Mobility (Also see: structural Battery without combustion), e.g. 8787 commuters imaginary hyper space crafts for commuting among human beings livable moons ... ;

I wrote: Can I bypass the above stated "sequence of colors" ?

well trained kids!! replied: OH. NO. Sir. "sequence of colors" for each ZCS hole cannot be bypassed sir; ware ware We'll need to keep IT for thousands of year like universal truth ... ;

I wrote: after understanding camera, directional gravity spots, ... , IT is the time to R&D Bamboo Stem factored Number, for adjusting Body Length Index (BLI) among human beings livable moons ... ;

choseichu Adjusting, e.g. adjusting contemplated characters;

both analog way and digital way, either analog way, or digital way, WHEN (marked, timestamp), kuru kuru WHILE, IFF using camera, zoom must obey ("black" , "dark") area; Remark: 99x99 design model, using 9801_Default;

ASCII, American Standard Code for Information Interchange;

( language, word) ASCII, also see: Pre School English Typing;

Also see: AI FONT; x y Abnormalities;

well trained kids! replied: we still don't understand WHAT is the diff between ZOOM, and Zoom sir ?

I wrote: don't forget THAT we've already defined (dimensional, directional, logical, numerological, structural) ... , and the diff is dimensional i.e. (55x25), (99x99), ... ; I've a quiz well trained kids! regarding (1&1) design Model (doko WHERE lower ones must obey upper ones (hee! hee! hee! , think that I'm a global commander, well trained kids! and you don't want to mess with e.g. Manmade Global Weather, e.g. ... ), Zoom 's lower-right-side (black, dark) area), HOW many MAX (quantity count) of to (measure, measurement, measuring) 1 yellow (dot, pixel, point) ?

well trained kids! replied: by your physics law 122, we've already learnt "tail" alike DCSDD, Digital Calculator Style DEE Dot, doko WHERE each (dot, pixel, point) can be defined in calculator based DEE, and we've already learnt (red, white) are for audio, And Then, yellow is for video, regarding HDMI (hardware, software) sir;

I wrote: yes. you well trained kids! have learnt from 1970s style (digital calculator, digital watch) to 1980s style calculator to 1990s style dictionary to 2000s style GPS to 2010s style smart IoT devices to 2020s style ZCS computing to the future nowadays' 6 surfaced ones to ... , i.e. very very good, so HOW many MAX (quantity count) yellow dots ... ?

well trained kids! replied: 10 yellow dots for each X line, at the defined location (lower-right-side (black, dark) area) sir;

I wrote: I'm getting old (at the age of 56+ years in 2020) and very very busy with 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index, reversed yellowish variation, yellowish variation, ... , because I like to travel to human beings livable moons; I hope and wish THAT you well trained kids! can realize and understand HOW to (measure, measurement, measuring) each yellow (dot, pixel, point) by now, And Then, I'll have more questions e.g. WHAT kind of BLI (Body Length Index) can be defined at 5 mm yellowish variation ( Distance, Distance, Distance) Distance ? regarding our earth as Default ( no yellowish variation);

well trained kids! replied: we'll do analysis of your HDMI (2 EMI, facing each other, WHY 180 degree) regarding iroColourWaveForm based "yellow" sir;

I wrote: mochiron of course; ( D, S, C) ... ;

Also see: Gene Therapy System Basic Symbol;
