Updated in 2564 : on 2020 : 9 : 23 : V : v ;

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z  



idea ♯ 211; Yellowish Variation Sensor; also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 2;

VC ♯.♯ Runtime (x86), Microsoft component;

VCC, D-, D+, ID, GND, ... ;

; ; ; (drone, unmanned aerial vehicle) ... ; Also see: Automotive;

velocity (e.g. English letter "v" , Greek NU ν) ... ; Also see: UNIT;

absolute viscosity (e.g. Greek NU ν) ... ;

video application;

    visibility ;          
            edge visibility flag ;
    visibility ( as oppose d to invisibility )

Visual F ♯ ♯.♯ Runtime, Microsoft component;

Visual Studio YEAR ADO.NET Entity Framework Tools, Microsoft component;

Visual Studio YEAR Performance Collection Tools (x64), Microsoft component;

inner strength; spirit; vitality; Radical83, also see: Radicals;

oracle (VKRM, Virtual Scheduler for Resource Manager) DBA;

  i.e. voltage a.k.a. volt ;      

1, 429742 (_vti_pvt) ... ;

V V T - I
vvt-i VVT-I
;     i.e. variable valve timing with intelligence ;
Also see : Automotive computer ;    
v♯ ( e.g. v2 , v4 , v6 , v8
, v10 , v12 , v14 , v16 ) ;

using lesser quantity of valves (i.e. v WHERE smaller number) prompt better ... ; e.g. WHILE idling, WHILE using cruise control, WHEN transmission's torque sensor prompts enough torque at specific RPM; Also see: computers; VVT, Variable Valve Timing, invented by Japanese a.k.a. NIPPON, and commercially available since 2003;
