Updated in
2563 : on
2020 :
3 :
3 :
Physics Law 119 ;
119) :
(Red (234), Green (234), Blue (234)) i.e. approx.
99% transparency;
BluetoothFor99PTP, Bluetooth For 99 Percent Transparency
Plastic), blue ZCS (s) are tooth alike, lower blue ZCS (s) must obey
upper blue ZCS (s); (Red (234), Green (234), Blue (234)) i.e. approx. 99%
well trained kids! replied : ZCS (s) are look alike tooth, HOW naturally would be formed sir ?
I wrote :
- for each teeth (1 ZCS, blue), there must be 2 arms because we're in C Sequence Number's BF2 naturally;
- invisibility engineering (Aqua, Green, Lime, Maroon, Red) regarding each teeth (1 ZCS, blue);
- light (string) causes sound;
- like parallel moon waves (structural), they (tooth) are next to each other;
- unlike carbon nano world (structural);
OK. think THAT our bones are like Maroon e.g. jaw bone, skull bone; our blood are travelling Red; we naturally close our mouth i.e. like filtering light to be dark; our 2 arms (DEE, Dark Energy Engineering) obey BF2 structural; so we've tooth naturally white; think of a denture to hold a front teeth's structural naturally, and think of protein bounds, we've naturally 1 yellow ZCS at the front of the denture;
regarding (pair, paired, pairing), of course (1&1) design model, lower ones (e.g. blue ZCS (s) ones) must obey upper ones (e.g. blue ZCS (s) ones);
BluetoothFor99PTP, for 99% transparency plastic computing e.g. roll-able
computer, roll-able smart phone, and etc. NFC (IoT) devices ... ; for 21st
century & beyond (Wireless) ... ; in common,
patented trademark "blue tooth" is
alike, because, naturally whenever 1 blue ZCS (1 teeth) exists, 2 arms (think of
left arm and right arm) exist, and think of a triangle is 1/2 of a square, so
that we've 2 triangles and 2 strings (2 arms) in 1 directional; And Then, try to
understand "Bluetooth For 99 P T P" ... ; Also see:
2 ZCS ;
I wrote : I've quiz (s) ... doko WHERE "Navy" blue naturally comes from ?
Well trained kids! replied : "Navy" blue naturally comes from "night of our moon" sir;
I wrote : doko WHERE "Aqua" blue naturally comes from ?
Well trained kids! replied : "Aqua" blue naturally comes from "our earth's day" sir;
I wrote : wow! well trained kids! are very very smart ones already, goody good, so be naturally, remember, in Zen way, mountains are mountain, rivers are river, ... ;
this PHYSICS law : level of knowledge : 2 Walls, and 2 ZCS without parallel plane;
our earth's the most
advanced knowledge would be
(dimensional, directional, logical, numerological,
structural) thoroughly understanding of from 2 (1mm ones) gravity
spots to 1 meter ones (heavy lifting of
this DOMAIN 's imaginary hyper space crafts);
Remember: at the same
time, (please read
Prof. Michio Kaku 's books, then notice, realize, and understand)
connected to 2 different regions, action of wormhole ways would be yellow
strings (in this
case study),
WHICH lead
to Origin of Sound, therefore, 99% transparency plastic smart phone, 99%
transparency plastic smart processor, and etc.
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