Last updated on 2020/2563 1 10, a full moon day; chemistry     CHEMISTRY;

add your own parameters ... ; excuse me, I ain't know chemistry that much;

(avg. mass, chemical ID, molecular formula, mono isotopic Da), also see:;

bio chemistry; physical chemistry;

regarding idea, also see: Monbusho level knowledge enhancement 1;

characteristic by Time for each composition e.g. time period of dilution; e.g. time period of concentration; e.g. time period to solution;

characteristic by Space for each structural form, e.g. a.k.a. meta, e.g. a.k.a. ortho, e.g. a.k.a. para, ... ;

characteristic by Action for each substance's property, (e.g. < pH7 a.k.a. more acid, pH7 a.k.a. pure water, > pH7 a.k.a. more base); e.g. ways of binding, e.g. step-by-step procedure, also see: SHARP 's D A L (DIRECT ALGEBRAIC LOGIC) inside Schematic Symbols;


create your own schematic symbols, because you should have your own composition, forms, and substances' properties in graphics; Remark: before creating your own Schematic Symbols, you should have good reason, and 5W1H idea, and then, create your own law ... ;

environmental chemistry (e.g. chemical species, effect, reaction, source, transport, ... ) of air, living environment, soil, water, ... ;

IFF in ACT3 stage imaginary hyper space, due to very very very far distance space, C Sequence Number (BF2) is no longer valid, regarding structural forms, e.g. astrological coma with BF3, BF4, BF5, ... ;

natural, Radical129, also see: Radicals;


science (composition, forms, substances' properties) i.e. chemistry; be beyond chemical weapon; e.g. epidemic virus, also see: Anti Virus; e.g. BLI automatic adjustment (growth rate) system; gene therapy system (complex ion);

e.g. this DOMAIN has mapped all forms in our universes ... ;
e.g. this DOMAIN has mapped all cells on our earth;

this DOMAIN developer (only have 2 degrees: BS in Physics, and MS in Computer Science) does not know chemistry that much like computer and physics; basic understanding of HOW chemistry would be:

binding: ways of binding, e.g. from liquid to solid, e.g. from ointment to layer surface, e.g. from solid to liquid, e.g. from layer surface to ointment, ... ; e.g. step-by-step procedure;

chemical elements;

environment (close, open);

MD, Medical Doctor; Pharmacy Technician index;

lights as filter;

salt, Radical235;

structural forms: brunching factor; carbon nano wall;

don't forget Eastern Civilization's oriental thought (Time . Space . Action) ... ;

YIN and YANG, i.e. coexistence as science (composition, forms, substances' properties) i.e. chemistry ... ;
