ア メ リ カ   緬 甸   .網     this_DOMAIN_'s_position_Info_with_Timestamp

the timestamp :::

; ; ; ; Updated in 2024 : November : 15th (Friday) : this DOMAIN 's position Info with Timestamp ;

Show Position; Show Position; Show Position; (geo-location, showing a position Info of the current location, the Browser's Location Awareness) e.g. doko WHERE (Latitude Number, Longitude Number) will be prompting at the "Page Top" if clicking on the button  ; Remark: must be in the Internet; developed by 2021; 2564;

highlight, select and copy (the current Browser's position and Timestamp), And Then, save as a text file doko WHERE you like to keep IT; the position Info 's format is (latitude Number, longitude Number); the Timestamp's format is ((Year . Month . Day) :: (Hour : Minute)) ;

well trained kids! replied: Umm!! Umm!! by clicking on the button "Show Position" and it doesn't work sir;
I wrote: Ah!! Ah!! Internet Servers (e.g. B D C, D N S, I I S, P D C, ... ) don't serve (a.k.a. services to) Local's position Info, therefore to be from the Local to Remote, Save As (e.g. this webpage) into your computer (e.g. Downloads), then try it again by clicking on the button "Show Position" ..., and realize & understand THAT ware ware We cannot define "All" therefore, "Show Position" might not work with different (browsers, Mobile roaming, OEM s) and old version browsers, ... ;

master; Radical117;
slave; Radical179;

Suggestion: regarding the button "Show Position," Global should be "master" to the "slave" Remote, And Then, Local should be a "slave" to the "master" Remote, ... ;

well trained kids! replied: ware ware We've already learnt THAT beyond Universal would be "Yellowish Variation" sir, e.g. Yellowish Variation should be "master" to the "slave"  Universal ;

I wrote: mochiron of course; I'll be your student HOW SQRT3 with SQRT2 ?

well trained kids! replied: WHY "this DOMAIN 's position Info with Timestamp" As one of the Web Pages?

I wrote: regarding Naturally Weather Log, ware ware We've to record (position Info, Timestamp), so IT is easy to copy the prompted information, And Then, Save As TXT (Text File) for a (Ref., Reference) record ... ; therefore, ( I, I, I, I) have created this web page "this DOMAIN 's position Info with Timestamp" for you;

2565; 2021 November; this DOMAIN 's (R&D Idea Processor .Net) Idea Processor has been setup (15000+ items As Content) as http:// box 5187 . temp . domains / ~idea pro 2 / ; 07/23/2022 Remark : because of technical difficulties, Idea Processor .Net has not been named (DNS forwarder (Domain Name System) yet; Also see: https://acejaw.websitewww.americamyanmar.net; www.kusalakari.net (Remark: in Pali language (holy language of Buddhism), transcript (e d) word "k u s a l a k a r i" means doing a (good deeds, good wills, good purposes, good s i l a (precepts)) Action ... ; this DOMAIN 's humanoids nama programming are only in transcript (e d) words ... because we like to be the "masters" of our earth ... ;

2564; 03/03/2021; two (2) is very very unique in many ways, e.g.

Gene Therapy System, also see: WHOM (TXT FILE) ... ; with metta (loving kindness) 86 lines of ... ;
Manmade Global Weather, also see: Naturally Weather Log (TXT FILE) ... ; with metta (loving kindness) 86 lines of ... ;

Remark: do IT yourselves; attrib -a -r Naturally Weather Log .txt, prior to editing it;
Remark: do IT yourselves; attrib -a -r WHOM .txt, prior to editing it;

Remark: after editing the files (e.g. Naturally Weather Log, WHOM), Save As (e.g. 04041965Naturally Weather Log, 04041965WHOM) text files, if you like to keep this DOMAIN 's Content files "As Is" ... ; after editing the files, please save the edited files in the same (Directory, Folder) ... ; Remember: Remote Nama For Humanoid (108 = 86 + 22), doko WHERE equation-sign's right side is (Ref., Reference), And Then, 22 lines of code (c on currency) must obey SQRT2's (1&&1) design model; Also see: Buddha's Abhidhamma (a.k.a. Abhidharma) based Idea Processor WHICH is beyond ( Gravity Dimension Computer, jinko chino Artificial Intelligence, PHYSICS) ... ;

well trained kids! replied: after ware ware We've (carefully, explicitly) studied your HTML codes, can you explain WHY ("-2") sir?

I wrote: I cannot teach you SQRT3 design model, but (since 1980s - Present in 21st century's 2020s) in SQRT2 design model with My ("a little knowledge, Tarzan's life long study of WHAT is Computer Science") way of understanding, I'll explain to you ( 2 - 4) Method, i.e. a part of SQRT2 design model, and I told you several times already, if you know, IT is very easy and very simple, on the other hand, if you don't know, IT is very difficult with many complexity regions; ( 2-4) Method, Procedure, and Technique obey (1&1, doko WHERE lower ones must obey upper ones), it means 22 lines of concurrency must be ... ; I've a hint i.e. if 22 lines of codes obey 4, and if we (adder, multiplexer) ' v e 4 times, 88 lines of code would be, and since ("-2") is a part of ( 2-4) Method, I'll be linking to 4 implicitly (NOT explicitly); I've already answered your question WHY ("-2") ; Remark: inside of Pre School English Typing, "Dash" (ASCII 45) is like "Minus" to Me; (AAI, AI, AI A) may be knowing Usage whether Character or Mathematics (algebra), another wording would be: (AAI, AI, AI A) may be smart enough to be knowing (whether Calculator or Dictionary) for each Usage; GPS is higher ones if compare to lower ones (Translator ones, Dictionary ones, Calculator ones) ... ; Idea Processor is higher ones if compare to lower ones (Browser ones, GPS ones, N F C I o T ones) ... ;

well trained kids! replied: whenever we see "-2" in the HTML codes, should we consider IT As ( 2-4) Method sir?

I wrote: since Computers have been control (device, embedded devices, N F C I o T, item, OEM's Logo with kuru kuru WHILE, object, machine, Smart Mobile, things, V M), you should belong to Shakya King's selected ones, (if Shakya King selects you, you'll be rich for sure) and he is the one holly mighty (unbeatable, unbreakable, undefeatable) Shakya King ... ; since (1&1) Method, Procedure, Technique, ( I, I, I, I) must obey the Shakya King's Computers ... ; My apologies, i.e. I cannot teach you SQRT3 design model (e.g. regarding 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index (invisibility engineering, variable DEE Pattern, yellowish variation, ... ) with (3-6) ... ); I'll Try e.g. "power of the Internet must be peaceful & tranquil" ... ;

well trained kids! replied: arigatoh g o z a i m a s u, thank you; ware ware We've learnt "a little bit" of ("-2") sir;

concerned about; concerned about; concerned about;

DOMAIN ... ; Also see: d G T S U; d Manmade Global Weather;

Domain ...

 Also see: index;

Clock; 20x20 dimensional; Also see: this_DOMAIN_'s_position_Info_with_Timestamp-time; Time;

Nation Name; City Name; e.g.

Nation Name ("your defined name here") ... ;
City Name ("your defined name here") ... ;

Sub-6; e.g.

Sample (Sub-6) for CYBER WARS .  .  . (since 2024, this DOMAIN 's contents are ready e.g. ( hatsugen Statement, State, stated, statement) AND waiting for USA's official war declaration against (China + Russia) .  .  . ; the Shakya King 's punishments are severe e.g. since 2024, regional droughts in China;

Remark: do you really know " .  .  . " means 90 degree different in USB design model?

Remark: do you really know means Satellite (s) based?

Also see: Calendar . Earth . Space . War; Directions; Location Awareness Response; this_DOMAIN_'s_position_Info_with_Timestamp; Reminder: don't mess with your boss (Germany, Japan, USA); OH+ OH+ since 2025, Apple Computer has started with 7 rolls, 24 inches Display, M4 Processor, ... quiz would be: have you ever wrapped (roll, roll-able, rolled, Sushi Roll) surfaces before? We're getting 7 rolls Oh My Lord!!

you; your; yours; e.g.

( you, you, you, you), also see: this DOMAIN; this_DOMAIN_'s_position_Info_with_Timestamp; y Character; y Computer;  e.g. You're ??% here or there;

Remark: "Main Page" is intentionally linked to "index.PHP5.HTML" ... ;
