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2024 :
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conference :
conference :
conference :
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WHERE idea, information,
prototypes, tradeoffs, ... are available;
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IT; Also see: index;
IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, www.ipdps.org;
scheduled programs: www.computer.org/conferences;
MD; Also see: MD;
scheduled programs: www.aafp.org;
scheduled programs: www.acupuncturecourse.org;
scheduled programs: www.atdcconference.com;
scheduled programs: c e . m a y o .edu;
scheduled programs: c m e . u c s f .edu;
scheduled programs: https://medicine.temple.edu/cme;
scheduled programs: www.cmemeeting.org;
scheduled programs: www.continuingeducation.net;
scheduled programs: www.FMBoards.com;
scheduled programs: global academy c m e .com;
scheduled programs: www.mer.org;
scheduled programs: www.npinstitute.com;
scheduled programs: www.scripps.org;
scheduled programs: www.symposiamedicus.org;
scheduled programs: www.thepermanentejournal.org;
scheduled programs: www.tcoyd.org;
scheduled programs: www.wilderness-medicine.com;
; Also see: PHYSICS (this
DOMAIN 's contents) ... ;
this DOMAIN 's
contents) ... ;
this DOMAIN 's
contents) ... ;
Manmade Global Weather (this DOMAIN 's contents) Anti-Earthquake ... ;
Satellite (this
DOMAIN 's contents) GPS,
... ;
SOCIETY OF PHYSICS STUDENTS, www.sigmapisigma.org ; www.sigmapisigma.org/congress/2025;
(this DOMAIN 's contents) Calendar . Earth . Space . War;
structural Battery (this DOMAIN 's contents) Gravity Dimension Computer (directional gravity spots);
Teleportation (this DOMAIN 's contents) ... ;
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2022: Lyon, France, I P D P S, 36th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, www.ipdps.org;
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2021: 2021 IEEE N S S MIC, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, virtual 2021, 28th International Symposium on Room-Temperature Semiconductor Detectors; IEEE N P S S, Nuclear & Plasma Sciences Society; URL: www . n s s - m i c .org/ ; S P I E (OPTICS, PHOTONICS), San Diego, California, USA, www . s p i e .org / o p ; I P D P S, 35th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, Portland, Oregon, USA; www . i p d p s .org;
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2020: Disney's Grand Californian Hotel & Spa, Anaheim, California, USA, in collaboration with KAISER PERMANENTE (www . k p .org), MAYO CLINIC UPDATES IN FAMILY MEDICINE (http://c e . m a y o .edu / family med update 2020 ); January 27 ~ 31, The Ritz-Carlton, K a p a l u a, Maui, Hawaii, USA, MAYO CLINIC 32nd Annual Selected Topics in Internal Medicine, http:// c e . m a y o .edu / s t i m 2020; http:// a a f p .org / 2019 c m e;
2020: Double Tree by Hilton, San Jose, California, USA, IEEE international symposium on Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust (HOST), www .host symposium .org ; November 29 - December 4, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 2020 M R S FALL MEETING & EXHIBIT, http:// m r s .org / fall 2020; San Diego, CA, USA, S P I E Optics + Photonics, http:// s p i e .org / op; New Orleans, USA, 34th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, I P D P S, www . i p d p s .org ;
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2019: Marines' Memorial Club and Hotel, San Francisco, California, USA, 2019 U C S F Obstetrics and Gynecology CME Courses, http:// c m e . u c s f .edu; Philadelphia, USA, http:// a a f p .org / f m x; B e l l a g i o, Las Vegas, USA, http://global academy c m e .com / p r d, 12th Annual Perspectives in Rheumatic Diseases; Fisher Conference Center at the Frances C. A r r i l l a g a Alumni Center, Stanford, CA, USA, http:// c m e . s t a n f o r d . edu / spine, 8th Annual Navigating Spine Care; Big Sky Resort (near Yellowstone National Park), Big Sky, Montana, USA, summer conference on Acute Care of the Critically Ill Patient, www . symposia med i c us .org; Golden Gateway Hotel Holiday Inn, San Francisco, California, USA, 40th Annual Advances in Infectious Diseases: New Directions for the Clinic and the Hospital, http:// c m e .u c s f .edu; Grand W a i l e a, 3850 W a i l e a A l a n u i Drive, Maui, Hawaii, USA, 47th Annual U S C Diagnostic & Therapeutic Skills in Internal Medicine, Keck School of Medicine of U S C, www . u s c .edu / c m e; Hilton San Diego Bay front, San Diego, California, USA, in collaboration with KAISER PERMANENTE (www .kp .org), MAYO CLINIC (http:// c e .may o .edu/familymedupdate2019), UPDATES IN FAMILY MEDICINE; U C S F Laurel Heights Conference Center, San Francisco, California, USA, 18th Annual Developmental Disabilities update for health professionals, http:// c m e . u c s f .edu; Fairmont Orchid, K o h a l a Coast, Big Island, Hawaii, USA, MAYO CLINIC PSYCHIATRY CLINICAL UPDATES, http:// c e . m a y o .edu/psychupdates2019; The Hilton Waikoloa Village, Waikoloa, The Big Island, Hawaii, USA, 31st annual selected topics in Internal Medicine, http:// c e . m a y o .edu / s t i m 2019;
2019: Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, COMPSAC2019, www . c o m p s a c .org; University of Milan, Milan, Italy, IEEE WORLD CONGRESS ON SERVICES, http:// conferences .computer .org / services / 2019; Brazil, 33rd IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, www . i p d p s .org;
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2018: International Convention Center, Sydney, Australia, IEEE N P S S, Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, in conjunction with 25th International Symposium on Room-Temperature X-Ray & Gamma-Ray Detectors, www . n s s - m i c .org/2018; Tokyo, Japan, IEEE Computer Society (www . computer . org) Signature Conference on Computers, Software, and Applications, C O M P S A C 2018, staying smarter in a smartening world; Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 32nd IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing, www . i p d p s .org;
2018: Omni Austin Hotel at South park, Austin, Texas, USA, Texas Academy of Family Physicians' National Procedures Institute N P I, www .face book .com / N P I C M E; Wyndham San Diego Bayside, San Diego, California, USA, Pain Care for Primary Care, www . p c p c -c m e .com; The Westin Grand Cayman Seven Mile Beach Resort & Spa, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, SYMPOSIA M E D I C U S, 29th Annual Fall Conference on Hot Topics in Primary Care; Planet Hollywood Resort, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 17th Annual National Family Medicine Board Review Course, www . f m b o a r d s .com; Hotel Del Coronado, Curio Collection by Hilton, Coronado, California, USA, MAYO CLINIC UPDATES IN INTERNAL MEDICINE, http://g i m education . m a y o .edu / i m update 2018; Marines' Memorial Club and Hotel, San Francisco, CA, USA, Obstetrics and Gynecology update; New Orleans, http:// a a f p .org / f m x, A A F P 's the largest annual meeting; San Diego Convention Center, A C E P Scientific Assembly, http:// a c e p .org / ace p 18; The Ritz-Carlton, Lake Tahoe / Truckee, California, USA, MAYO CLINIC Grit for Women in Medicine, http:// g i m education . m a y o .edu / g r i t 2018; Hilton Sacramento Arden West, Sacramento, California, USA, U C DAVIS HEALTH, Ultrasound Update, http:// c e s .u c d a v i s .edu / ultrasound update 2018; Encore At Wynn, Las Vegas, USA, 11th Annual Perspectives in Rheumatic Diseases, www .global academy c m e .com / rheumatology; Li Ka S h i n g Center for Learning & Knowledge, Stanford, California, USA, Stanford Medicine 7th Annual Navigating Spine Care, http:// c m e . s t a n f o r d .edu; Washington DC, USA, I C N M (International Conference on Nutrition in Medicine), provided by THE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY, http:// p c r m .org / i c n m; Fontainebleau Miami Beach, Miami Beach, Florida, USA, MAYO CLINIC, A Systematic Approach to medically unexplained symptoms, http:// g i m e d u c a t i o n . m a y o .edu / medically unexplained 2018; Hilton San Diego Resort, San Diego, California, USA, 35th Annual Primary Care Summer Conference, www . s c r i p p s .org / p c summer; Keystone Resort and Conference Center, Keystone, Colorado, USA, ACHIEVE TARGETS IN DIABETES CARE, www .r e g online .com / a t d c; Westin H a p u n a Beach Resort, Mauna Kea, Big Island, Hawaii, USA, U C S F Summer CME, essentials of women's health, an integrated approach to primary care and office gynecology; Paradise Point Resort, San Diego, CA, USA, San Diego Academy of Family Physicians, 61st Annual Postgraduate Symposium, Family Medicine Update, www . t i n y u r l .com / SD A F P 18 CON; Island Hotel, Newport Beach, California, USA, SKIN DISEASE EDUCATION FOUNDATION 14th annual women's and pediatric dermatology, http:// global academy c m e .com / dermatology; Hotel N i k k o, San Francisco, CA, USA, U C S F Obstetrics and Gynecology CME Courses, A n t e p a r t u m & I n t r a p a r t u m Management; The Ritz-Carlton, B a c a r a, Santa Barbara, California, USA, PRIMARY CARE CONFERENCES, M E R .org; Casa Marina, Key West, Florida, USA, 19th Annual Dermatology for the Non-Dermatologist, National Meeting, U S F HEALTH, University of South Florida, http:// health . u s f .edu; Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, The National Conference on Wilderness Medicine, WILDERNESS AND TRAVEL MEDICINE; Holiday Inn Golden Gateway, San Francisco, CA, USA, 46th Annual Advances in Internal Medicine, http:// c m e . u c s f .edu; Aria Hotel, Las Vegas, NV, USA, INAUGURAL PERSPECTIVES IN DIGESTIVE DISEASES, http:// global academy c m e .com / gastroenterology; Monterey, CA, USA, FAMILY MEDICINE CLINICAL FORUM, www .family docs .org / FM Forum; Marines' Memorial Club & Hotel, San Francisco, California, USA, U C S F diabetes update and advances in endocrinology and metabolism; The Tower Club T y s o n s Corner, Vienna, VA 22182, USA, The National Neuroscience Review; www . i n o v a .org / N N R; W a i l e a Beach Marriott Hotel, Maui, Hawaii, U C S F Primary Care Medicine Update; Valley Forge Casino Resort, King of Prussia, PA, USA, The 42nd Semi-Annual Spring and Fall Family Medicine Review, TEMPLE UNIVERSITY and Lancaster General Health, https:// medicine . t e m p l e .edu / c m e; The Westin Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 5th Annual Digestive Diseases: New Advances, a continuing medical education conference, http:// global academy c m e .com / gastroenterology; Golden Gateway Hotel, Holiday Inn, San Francisco, CA, USA, U C S F 39th Annual Advances in Infectious Diseases; March 10, Hilton Pasadena, California, USA, Keck School of Medicine of U S C, updates in pulmonary and critical care medicine; Holiday Inn Golden Gateway, San Francisco, CA, USA, U C S F Medical Care of Vulnerable and Underserved Populations, http:// c m e . u c s f .edu; S w i s s ô t e l Sydney, Sydney, Australia, M E R, Primary Care conferences; Turtle Bay Resort, North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii, USA, 25th Annual Conference on office gynecology & women's health for the primary care provider, www . s y m p o s i a m e d i c u s .org; U S C Health Sciences Campus, A r e s t y Conference Center, 1450 B i g g y Street, Los Angeles, CA 90033, USA, 3rd Annual Conference: PRACTICAL Urology, http:// u r o l o g y . K e c k Medicine .org; Hyatt Regency Maui Resort and Spa, L a h a i n a, Hawaii, MAYO CLINIC, 30th Annual selected topics in Internal Medicine, http:// c e . m a y o .edu / s t i m 2018; Hilton San Diego Resort & Spa on Mission Bay, San Diego, CA, USA, 28th Annual C u t a n e o u s Malignancy Update, Melanoma 2018, www . s c r i p p s .org / conference services;
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2017: Park Central Hotel, San Francisco, California, USA, U C S F The Medical Management of HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis, http:// c m e . u c s f .edu; Hilton San Francisco, Union Square, California, USA, American Pain Society in collaboration with the journal of FAMILY PRACTICE, www . p c p c - c m e .com; Hyatt Regency Monterey Hotel and Spa, Monterey, CA, USA, Stanford Medicine, Navigating Spine Care 2017, http:// c m e . s t a n f o r d .edu; Crystal Gateway Marriott, Arlington, VA, USA, 16th Annual NATIONAL FAMILY MEDICINE BOARD REVIEW COURSE, www . f m boards .com / pass; Valley Forge Casino Resort, King of Prussia, PA, USA, 41st semi-annual family medicine review course, https:// medicine . t e m p l e .edu / c m e; The Park Central San Francisco, San Francisco, California, USA, Mayo Clinic 17th Annual Nutrition and Wellness in Health and Disease, http:// c e . m a y o .edu / nutrition 2017; Hyatt Olive 8 Seattle, Seattle, Washington, USA, MAYO CLINIC OPIOID CONFERENCE 2017, http:// c e . m a y o .edu / o p i o i d 2017; San Antonio, USA, A A F P F M X; Hilton Los Angeles / Universal City, Universal City, California, USA, Keck School of Medicine of U S C, 8th Annual Pain Management Symposium from Evidence to Clinical Practice, www . u s c . e d u / c m e; Hilton San Diego Resort, San Diego, California, USA, 34th Annual Primary Care Summer Conference, www . s c r i p p s .org / conference services; Washington D.C., USA, 5th Annual I C N M, International Conference on Nutrition in Medicine, www.icnKm17.org; The Fairmont San Francisco, CA, USA, 13th Annual Summer Conference on EMERGENCY MEDICINE, www . s y m p o s i a m e d i c u s .org; LA Q U I N T A RESORT & CLUB, LA Q U I N T A, CA, California, USA, The 8th Annual West Coast Symposium on Additive Disorders, www . w c s a d .com; HYATT REGENCY, Lake Tahoe Resort, Spa & Casino, Incline Village, NV, USA, U C DAVIS HEALTH WOMEN'S HEALTH CONFERENCE, http://bit . l y / 2 l m W 7 s H; Spring, live CME, http:// a a f p .org / spring C M E; Casa Marina, Key West, Florida, USA, 18th Annual Dermatology for Non-Dermatologist, http:// health . u s f . e d u; The Ritz-Carlton, Marina Del R e y, CA, USA, Keck School of Medicine of U S C, Spine Symposium; Hyatt Regency Maui, L a h a i n a, Maui, Hawaii, 22nd Annual Primary Care in Paradise, www . s c r i p p s .org / conference services; Santa Clara Convention Center, California, USA, making the connection between patients and providers, a modern approach to the treatment of type 1 and type 2 diabetes, BY T C O Y D and U C San Diego School of Medicine, www . t c o y d .org; Holiday Inn Golden Gateway, San Francisco, CA, USA, U C S F 38th Annual Advances in Infectious Diseases, New Directions for the Clinic and the Hospital, http:// c m e . u c s f .edu; Hilton Sacramento Arden West, Sacramento, CA, USA, U C DAVIS HEALTH SYSTEM, 12th Annual U C Davis SPINE CARE CONFERENCE for the Primary Care Provider, http:// bit .l y / 2 g u U E g 6; Marines' Memorial Club & Hotel, San Francisco, CA, USA, U C S F diabetes update and advances in endocrinology and metabolism, http:// c m e . u c s f .edu; Sheraton Grand Los C a b o s Hacienda Del Mar, Los C a b o s, Mexico, 24th Annual Spring Conference on WOMEN'S HEALTH, SYMPOSIA M E D I C U S; Sheraton Kauai Resort, Kauai, Hawaii, 28th Annual Winter Conference on Emergency Medicine, www . s y m p o s i a m e d i c u s .org; Marina del R e y Marriott, Marina del R e y, California, USA, 44th annual UCLA Family Medicine refresher course, www . c m e . u c l a .edu / courses; Disney's Grand California Hotel, Anaheim, California, USA, Mayo Clinic UPDATES IN FAMILY MEDICINE, http:// c e . m a y o .edu / family m e d update 2017, in collaboration with KAISER PERMANENTE; J W Marriott San Francisco Union Square, CA, USA, Medical Care of Vulnerable and Underserved Populations, U C S F, http:// c m e . u c s f .edu; Omni La Costa Resort & Spa, Carlsbad, CA, USA, DIAMOND HEADACHE CLINIC, RESEARCH & EDUCATION FOUNDATION, 30th annual practicing physician's approach to the difficult headache patient, www . d h c - f d n .org; J W Marriott Desert Springs, Resort & Spa, Palm Desert, CA, USA, pain medicine for the non-pain specialist 2017, http:// c e . m a y o .edu / pain 2017; Hyatt Regency Sacramento, CA, H e m a t o l o g i c Malignancies, http:// Dignity Health .org / S a c Cancer C M E; Grand Hyatt Resort and Spa, Koloa, Kauai, Hawaii, USA, MAYO CLINIC 29th Annual Selected Topics in Internal Medicine, http:// c e . m a y o .edu / node / 7067;
2017: Buena Vista Palace Hotel, Orlando, Florida, USA, IEEE Computer Society 31st IEEE INTERNATIONAL Parallel and Distributed Processing, www . i p d p s .org; Bangkok, Thailand, 13th International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems, http:// i e e e Thailand .org/isads2017.php; e.g. IOT, INTERNET OF THINGS; Burlingame, California, USA, IEEE Computer Society, Tech Ignite, www . c o m p u t e r .org / Tech Ignite;
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2016: Continuing Education, www .Continuing Education .NET; Primary Care, www . c m e meeting .org; Primary Care Conferences, 18 locations, www . m e r .org; San Francisco, California, www .acupuncture course .org; Intercontinental Mark Hopkins, San Francisco, CA, USA, U C S F 11th Annual Primary Care Sports Medicine Conference, Upper Extremity, http:// c m e . u c s f .edu; PARK CENTRAL HOTEL, SAN FRANCISCO, CA, USA, U C S F The Medical Management of HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis, http:// c m e . u c s f .edu; Grand Hyatt Kauai Resort and Spa, Kauai, Hawaii, SHARP Health Care 's 2016 Primary Care Conference, www .sharp .com / aloha; The M e r i t a g e Resort and Spa, Napa, California, USA, MAYO CLINIC An Overview of P e r i operative Medicine 2016, from outpatient preoperative assessment to inpatient postoperative care, http:// c e links .m a y o .edu/periop2016; Caesars Palace Las Vegas Hotel and Casino, USA, Multi disciplinary Approaches to Cancer Symposium, www .city of hope .org / c m e; Lancaster Marriott, Lancaster, PA, USA, Temple University, Lewis Katz School of Medicine, 40th Family Medicine Review Course, https:// medicine . t e m p l e .edu / c m e; The Westin Dawn Beach Resort & Spa, St. Marten, Caribbean, 27th annual fall conference on Hot Topic in Primary Care, www . s y m p o s i a m e d i c us .org; Paradise Point Hotel, San Diego, CA, USA, A I H M Annual Conference, www . a i h m .org / a i h m -conference; Monterey Tides, Monterey, California, USA, U C DAVIS HEALTH SYSTEM, 2016 UPDATE IN GASTROENTEROLOGY & H E P A T O L O G Y for Primary Care Practitioner; Hyatt Regency Monterey Hotel and Spa, Monterey, CA, USA, Stanford MEDICINE Department of Neurosurgery and Orthopedic 5th ANNUAL Navigating Spine Care, http:// c m e . s t a n d o r d .edu; Las Vegas, NV, USA, CARDIO METABOLIC Conference, http:// c r s f a l l .com; HOTEL N I K K O, San Francisco, CA, USA, U C S F PRIMARY CARE MEDICINE, PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE, www .hotel n i k k o s f .com; Marriot, Monterey, CA, USA, U C DAVIS HEALTH SYSTEM, reflux, d y s p h a g i a, and obesity conference, 360 degrees of interdisciplinary foregut management for Primary Care, Surgeons, and Specialists; Estancia La Jolla Hotel & Spa, La Jolla, CA, USA, U C DAVIS HEALTH SYSTEM, ADVANCES IN CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE, http:// bit . l y / 1 t 2 1 1 u A; Portland Marriott Downtown Waterfront, Portland, OR, USA, Mayo Clinic Opioid Conference, http:// c e links . m a y o .edu / o p i o i d 2016; Orlando, FL, USA, FAMILY MEDICINE EXPERIENCE, www . a a f p .org /fm x; Hilton Sacramento Arden West, Sacramento, CA, USA, U C DAVIS HEALTH SYSTEM, ULTRASOUND UPDATE, http:// bit. l y / 2 3 b G O i y; Westin Michigan Ave., Chicago, Illinois, USA, Mayo Clinic Pediatric Days, http:// c e .m a y o .edu; Hilton Los Angles / Universal City, 555 Universal Hollywood Dr., Universal City, California, CA 91608, USA, Keck Medicine of U S C 7th Annual Pain Management Symposium from Evidence to Clinical Practice, www .us c. edu/c me; SQUAW VALLEY, LAKE TAHOE, CA, USA, The National Conference on Wilderness & Travel Medicine, www .wilderness -medicine .com; Resort at Squaw Creek, North Lake Tahoe, California, USA, Essentials of Primary Care: A Core Curriculum for Ambulatory Practice, www .c me. u c s f .edu; Loews Coronado Bay Resort, Coronado, California, USA, Scripps 33rd Annual Primary Care Summer Conference, www . s c r i p p s .org / conference services; Walt Disney World Dolphin Hotel, Orlando, Florida, USA, PAIN CARE FOR PRIMARY CARE, www .pc pc - c m e .com; U C S F Mission Bay Conference Center, Fisher Banquet Room, 1675 Owens St., SF, CA 94158, A m y l o i d PET Imaging and Dementia, www . s n m m i .org / U C S F; Sagebrush Inn, Taos, New Mexico, USA, U NM School of Medicine, Symposium, http:// s o m .u nm. edu/c me; Hotel N i k k o, San Francisco, CA, USA, U CS F High Risk Emergency Medicine, Optional Hands-on Workshops featuring cadaver based procedures, www .high risk h a w a i i .com; La Q u i n t a Resort & Club, La Q u i n t a, CA, USA, The 7th Annual West Coast Symposium on Addictive Disorders, www .w c s ad. com; Hilton Sacramento Arden West, Sacramento, CA, USA, U C DAVIS HEALTH SYSTEM, CARDIAC ARRHYTHMIAS, Mysteries of Electrophysiology Unraveled, http:// bit. l y / 1 S g 9 H G T; Hilton San Francisco Financial District, San Francisco, CA, and Parnassus Campus, San Francisco, CA, 44th Annual Advances in Internal Medicine, www .c me. u c s f .edu; A r e s t y Conference Center on U S C Health Sciences Campus, LA, CA, USA, 23rd Annual Van D e r M e u l e n Symposium, Multiple Sclerosis Update, www .us c. edu/c me; US C Health Sciences Campus, A rest y Conference Center, Los Angeles, CA, USA, Keck School of Medicine of U S C International Robotic & Open Live Surgery - Pre A U A Symposium, www .us c .edu/c me; Casa Marina, Key West, Florida, USA, University of South Florida, 17th Annual Dermatology for the Non-Dermatologist, National Meeting, www .c me .h sc .us f .edu; Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, The National Conference on Wilderness Medicine, www .wilderness -medicine .com; Omni San Diego Hotel, San Diego, CA, USA, U C San Diego, Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias, updates in research, treatment and innovative care, http:// c me .u c s d .edu / a l z h e i m e r s; Marina del R e y Marriott, Marina del R e y, California, USA, 43rd Annual UCLA Family Medicine Refresher Course, www .c me .u c l a .edu / courses; The Westin Excelsior Florence, Florence, Italy, Primary Care, www .me r .org; U C Davis Conference Center, Davis, CA, USA, Vascular Laboratory, http:// bit. l y / 1 O m Q 6 z c; J W Marriott Los Angeles, LA, CA, USA, US C Spine Symposium, www .us c .edu / cm e; Hilton San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA, U C S F 37th Annual Advances in Infectious Diseases, New Directions for Primary Care, www .cm e. u c s f .edu; Marriott, Napa Valley Hotel & Spa, California, USA, U C Davis 14th Annual Clinical Pharmacotherapy, Practical Information for Primary Care Providers, Specialists, Pharmacists, NPs, P As and Nurses, http:://bit. l y / 1 O g J a T w; Millennium Biltmore Hotel, Los Angeles, CA, USA, Good Samaritan Hospital 20th Annual Heart Failure, an update on therapy, www .l a heart failure .com; Paris Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV, USA, Clinical Pearls & Management of Breast Disease for the Primary Care Provider, https://www2.breastcare.org/educational-conference/; Courtyard San Francisco Downtown, San Francisco, CA, USA, Regional Series HOSPITAL MEDICINE SUMMIT, Certified for A C P E, AMA, and A N C C credit, http://2016.hospitalmedsummit.com; The Lodge at Sonoma Renaissance, Sonoma California, USA, U C S F 6th Annual Critical Ultrasound for Patient Care, www .c me . u c s f .edu; Hyatt Regency Maui, L a h a i n a - Maui, Hawaii, USA, Scripps, 21st Annual Primary Care in Paradise, www .s c r i p p s .org / conference services; W a i l e a Beach Marriott Hotel, Maui, Hawaii, USA, U C S F Primary Care Medicine Update, www .c me. u c s f .edu; Hilton Sacramento Arden West, Sacramento, CA, USA, U C DAVIS Health System, 42nd Annual U C Davis Diabetes & Endocrinology Symposium, http://bit. l y / 1 T o b F 6 8; Marines' Memorial Club & Hotel, San Francisco, California, USA, U C S F diabetes update and advances in endocrinology and metabolism, www .c me . u c s f .edu; Westin St. Francis Hotel, San Francisco, California, USA, U C S F Medical Care of Vulnerable and Underserved Populations, www .c me . u c s f .edu; Double Tree by Hilton, Fresno Convention Center, Fresno, California, USA, movement disorder review course, Uni. of Kansas Medical Center, Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorder; Sacramento Convention Center, Sacramento, California, USA, A Comprehensive Strategy on the Modern Management of Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes, www . t c o y d cm e .org; www .Med -IQ .com; The Westin Pasadena, Pasadena, California, USA, Symposium on Rheumatic Diseases: Hot Topics in Rheumatology, CEDARS-SINAI, www .c s m c .edu/c me; H a p u n a Beach Prince and Mauna Kea, Big Island, Hawaii, USA, Keck School of Medicine of U S C 44th Annual U S C Diagnostic & Therapeutic Skills in Internal Medicine, www .u s c. edu/c me; Hyatt Regency Sacramento, Sacramento, CA, USA, Dignity Health, Evolving Lung Cancer Therapeutics and Diagnostics, http:// Dignity Health .org / S a c Cancer C M E; The Sheraton Kauai Resort, Kauai, Hawaii, USA, 23rd Annual Conference on OFFICE GYNECOLOGY & WOMEN'S HEALTH FOR THE PRIMARY CARE PROVIDER, www . s y m p o s i a m e d i c u s .org; A A F P, http:// a a f p .org / m c f p r e sources; ACC ME, Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education, www .acc me .org; Acupuncture Course, San Francisco, California, USA, COMPREHENSIVE TRAINING COURSE ON ACUPUNCTURE FOR PHYSICIANS, COMPREHENSIVE TRAINING COURSE ON HERBAL MEDICINE FOR PHYSICIANS, Comprehensive Programs with Hands-On Training, up to 300 hours, approved for up to 550 CME credits, www .acupuncture course .org; CME RESOURCE, continuing medical education, California Physicians & Physician Assistants, www .n e t c e .com; Med-Challenger FM, #1 selling SAM, CME & Exam Review Course, http:// store .c h all .com / fm;
2016: D u s i t T h a n i Bangkok Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand, IEEE Tale 2016, http:// www .tale -conference .org ; Mountain View, CA, USA, IEEE Computer Society ROCK STARS, www .computer .org /p p a; Seattle, Washington, CYBER SECURITY, www .computer .org/Cyber Seattle; Renaissance Pittsburgh Hotel, Pittsburgh, USA, IEEE I R I 2006, 17th IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration, www .i e e e - i r i .org; UCLA Extension, F P G A s for D S P and Software - Defined Radio, http:// u c l a extension .edu/short courses; See on Monastery, Germany, E C S E E, European Conference Software Engineering Education 2016, www .e c see .e u; Atlanta, Georgia, USA, COM P S AC, www .com p s a c .org; Austin, TX, USA, IEEE ROCK STARS OF BIG DATA, www .computer .org/b d a; Chicago Hyatt Regency, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 30th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing symposium, www .i p d p s .org; Yokohama Joho Bunka Center, Yokohama, Japan, COOL Chip XIX, www .cool chips .org; Washington DC Metro Area, USA, IEEE Computer Society ROCK STARS OF RISK-BASED SECURITY, www .computer .org/r b sea s t; Berlin, Germany, IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E), www .computer .org; Sydney, Australia, 14th Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications, Per Com 2016, www .per com .org; 2016 . Tech East, Tech West, Tech South, Las Vegas, NV, USA, C E S, www .c e s web .org;
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2015: United International College, Z h u h a i, China, IEEE Computer Society, www .tale -conference .org/tale 2015 /c f p _S S C E . p h p; IEEE Computer Society, IBM, Agile, www .computer .org/IBM-Symposiums; Modesto Centre Plaza, Double Tree Hotel, Central Valley Business Summit, Modesto Chamber of Commerce, California, USA, 209.577.5757; Sheraton Sand Key Resort, Clearwater Beach, Florida, USA, IEEE L C N, 40th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, www .i e e e l c n .org; The Fourth Street Summit Center, San Jose, CA, USA, IEEE Computer Society, CYBER SECURITY, www .computer .org/cyber2015; S o f i t e l, Redwood City, SF, CA, USA, The 16th IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration, http:// www .i e e e -i r i .org; T u n g h a i University, T a i c h u n g, Taiwan, 39th Annual International Computers, Software & Applications Conference, www .com p s ac .org; New York, USA, IEEE Big Data Congress, IEEE Services Congress, http:// conferences .computer .org /s cc; http:// i c w s .org; http:// i e e e Big Data .org; http:// Services Congress .org; http:// the Cloud Computing .org; http:// the Mobile Services .org; Hyderabad, India, 29th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium, www .i p d p s .org; Yokohama Joho Bunka Center, Yokohama, Japan, COOL Chips XVIII, www .cool chips .org; Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino, Las Vegas, NV, USA, COLLABORATE 15, www.collaborate15.com; San Francisco Bay, USA, IEEE Computer Society, IEEE S OS E, www.sose2015.com; St. Louis, USA, Per Com 2015, IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications, www .per com .org; San Francisco, CA, USA, IEEE Computer Society STARTUP, http:// computer .org/startup; The Fourth Street Summit Center, San Jose, CA, USA, IEEE Computer Society 3D PRINTING, http:// computer .org / 3 d printing; Bombay Exhibition Centre, Mumbai, India, IEEE - I E E M A I N T E L E C T Conference and Exposition; Hakodate City, Japan, IC M U, 8th International Conference on Mobile Computing and Ubiquitous Networking, www . i c m u .org / i c m u 2015; Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2015 International C E S, THE GLOBAL STAGES FOR INNOVATION, http:// c e s web .org;
2015: A A F P, http:// a a f p .org /live c me; Herbal Medicine Course, www .acupuncture course .org; New York Hilton Midtown, New York City, NY, USA, 19th Annual Conference on EMERGENCIES & CHALLENGES IN PRIMARY CARE, www .s y m p o s i a m e d i c u s .org; The Fairmont Orchid, Hawaii, USA, Sharp Health Care's Primary Care Conference, www .sharp .com / a l o h a; Four Seasons Resort Costa Rica, Peninsula P a p a g a y o, Costa Rica, PRIMARY CARE CONFERENCES, www .m e r .org; Park Central Hotel, San Francisco, California, U C S F The Medical Management of HIV / AIDS and Hepatitis, www .cm e. u c s f .edu; Phoenix, AZ, USA: http:// a a f p .org/live cm e; FL, USA: http:// a a f p .org /live cm e; Mauna L a n i Bay Hotel, K o h a l a Coast, Hawaii, USA, Popular Pediatric Clinical Topics, www .cm e. s t a n for d children s .org; The Sheraton Kauai Resort, Kauai, Hawaii, USA, 26th Annual Fall Conference on Hot Topics in Primary Care, www .s y m p o s i a m e d i c u s .org; Acupuncture Course, www .a c u p u n c t u r e course .org; (Denver, CO), (Greensboro, NC), (Las Vegas, NV), (Orlando, FL): http:// a a f p .org/live cm e; Hilton Sacramento Arden West, Sacramento, CA, USA, 11th Annual U C Davis, SPINE CARE CONFERENCE for the Primary Care Provider, http:// www. u c d m c .u c d a v is .edu/c me/ conferences/; Paradise Point Resort & Spa, San Diego, CA, USA, A I H M & Scripps, www .s c r i p p s .org/a i h m -conference; St. Louis Ritz Carlton, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, 2015 Family Medicine Board Review, www .f p boards .com; The Lancaster Host Resort and Conference Center, Lancaster, PA, USA, School of Medicine, Temple University, 39th Semi-Annual FAMILY MEDICINE REVIEW COURSE, www .temple .edu /cm e; Hotel Monaco Seattle, Seattle, WA, USA, 13th Annual West Coast Colorectal Cancer Symposium, SWEDISH CANCER INSTITUTE, www . Swedish .org/cm e; Paris Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 14th Annual National Family Medicine Board review course, www .fm boards .com; Inter Continental Paris, Paris, France, B a r i a t r i c s, Dermatology, Endocrinology, Psychiatry, www .me r .org; San Francisco, California, USA, U C S F Obstetrics and Gynecology CME Courses, www .c me. u c s f .edu; Washington D.C., Obesity Medicine Association CME, American Society of B a r i a t r i c Physicians, www .as b p .org; The Lancaster Host Resort and Conference Center, Lancaster, PA, USA, TEMPLE UNIVERSITY School of Medicine, 39th Semi-Annual Spring and Fall, FAMILY MEDICINE REVIEW COURSE, www .t e m p l e .edu/cm e; Juanita K i o u s Waugh Auditorium, Mayo Clinic Education Center, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, Ethical Dilemmas - Consultation and Problem Solving: The Mayo Clinic Approach, http:// c e .m a y o .edu; (Chicago, IL), (Denver, CO): http:// a a f p .org/live cm e; Monterey Plaza Hotel and Spa, U C DAVIS HEALTH SYSTEM, CLINICAL DERMATOLOGY UPDATE for the Primary Care Practitioner, www .u c d a v is .edu; Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, CARDIO METABOLIC RISK SUMMIT, www .c r s fall .com; Hilton Sacramento Arden West, Sacramento, CA, USA, ULTRASOUND UPDATE 2015, U C DAVIS HEALTH SYSTEM, http://www .u c d m c .u c d a v is .edu /cm e /conferences; Westin Pasadena, Pasadena, CA, USA, Keck School of Medicine of U S C, 6th Annual Pain Management Symposium; Hilton Head Island, SC, USA: http:// a a f p .org/live cm e; Sheraton Grand Sacramento Hotel, Sacramento, CA, USA, U C DAVIS HEALTH SYSTEM, CARDIAC ARRHYTHMIAS 2015, https:// c h tap p s -pro d. u c d m c . u c d a v is .edu/cm e/Cm e Sign L n ? c code=E L C T R 16; (Chicago, IL), (San Diego, CA): http:// a a f p .org/live cm e; Loews Port of i n o Bay Hotel at Universal Orlando Resort, FL, USA, Medicine Reviews, www .a -cross medicine reviews .com; Monterey Plaza Hotel & Spa, California, USA, Gastroenterology & H e p a t o l o g y, for Primary Care Practitioner, U C DAVIS HEALTH SYSTEM, http://www .u c d m c .u c d a v i s .edu/cm e/conferences; Inter Continental Prague, Prague, Czech Republic, Orthopedics, Pain Management, Psychiatry, Rheumatology, www .m e r .org; Paradise Point Resort, San Diego, CA, USA, 58th Annual Postgraduate Symposium, Family Medicine Update, 20 A A F P CME Credits, www .sand i ego a f p .org; (Washington DC; Reston, VA), (Denver, CO): http:// a a f p .org/live cm e ; Hotel N i k k o, SF, CA, USA, High Risk Emergency Medicine San Francisco, U C S F, www .cm e. u c s f .edu; Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, WILDERNESS AND TRAVEL MEDICINE, Medicine and the Spirit of Adventure, The National Conference on Wilderness Medicine, www .wilderness -medicine .com; Majestic Hotel & Spa, Barcelona, Spain, Cardiovascular, Infectious Disease, Neurology, P u l m o n o l o g y, www .m e r .org; Hilton San Francisco, Financial District, San Francisco, California, USA, U C S F DIABETES UPDATE AND ADVANCES IN ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM, www .c me .u c s f .edu; SF, CA, USA, Family Medicine Clinical Forum, www .family docs .org/family-medicine-clinical-forum; (Las Vegas, NV), (Myrtle Beach, SC): http:// a a f p .org/live cm e; Napa Valley Marriott, Napa, California, USA, U C DAVIS HEALTH SYSTEM, CLINICAL PHARMACOTHERAPY, https:// c h tap p s -pro d. u c d m c. u c d a v is .edu /cm e; Millennium Biltmore Hotel, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 19th Annual Heart Failure update on therapy, www .l a heart failure .com; Paradise Point Hotel, San Diego, U C San Diego, Pediatric Dermatology for the Practitioner, www .s d p e d s d e r m conference .com; Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim, California, USA, P r i-Med Annual Conference, www .p r i -med .com /west / r 0 1; W a i l e a Beach Marriott Hotel, Maui, Hawaii, USA, U C S F Primary Care Medicine update, www .cm e. u c s f .edu; (Washington DC; Arlington, VA), (H a r t f o r t, CT), (Kansas City, MO): http:// a a f p .org/live cm e; Hyatt Regency Maui, L a h a i n a, Maui, Hawaii, USA, 20th Annual Primary Care in Paradise, www .s c r i p p s .org/conference services; Hyatt Regency Sacramento, CA, USA, Dignity Health, http:// dignity health .org/s acc an c e r cm e; Hotel N i k k o, San Francisco, CA, USA, U C S F Family Medicine Board Review, Improving Clinical Care Across the Lifespan, www .cm e. u c s f .edu; J W Marriott Desert Springs Resort & Spa, Palm Desert, CA, USA, MAYO CLINIC, pain medicine for the non-pain specialist, www .m a y o .edu/cm e; H a p u n a Beach Prince and Mauna Kea Big Island, Hawaii, USA, Keck School of Medicine of US C, 43rd Annual US C Diagnostic & Therapeutic Skills in Internal Medicine, www .us c .edu/cm e; Balboa Bay Resort, Newport Beach, California, USA, 28th Annual Practicing Physician's Approach to the Difficult Headache Patient, www .d h c-f d n. org; J W MARRIOTT I H I L A N I RESORT, OAHU, HAWAII, USA, High Risk Emergency Medicine, U C S F, www .high risk h a w a i i .com; The Ritz-Carlton, K a p a l u a, Maui, Hawaii, USA, 27th Annual Selected Topics in Internal Medicine, Mayo School of Continuous Professional Development, www .m a y o .edu/cm e/S T I M 2015; Harrah Lake Tahoe, Stateline, Nevada, 47th Annual N A F P Winter CME Meeting, www .n v a f p. com;
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2014: J A V I T S CONVENTION CENTER, NEW YORK, USA, CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT WORLD, www .customer engagement world .com; San Jose Civic Auditorium, San Jose, California, USA, IEEE computer society ROCK STARS OF BIG DATA ANALYTICS, http://computer .org/data-analytics; San Francisco, California, USA, ORACLE OPEN WORLD, 400+ demos, 475+ exhibitors, 2500+ sessions, ... , www .oracle .com/open world; Brazos Hall, Austin, TX, USA, IEEE Computer Society, CYBER SECURITY, www .computer .org/cyber-security; Minneapolis, MN, USA, 43rd Annual Conference, 2014 International Conference on Parallel Processing, IC PP 2014, http:// i c p p .c s .u m n .edu; S o fit e l, Redwood City, San Francisco, California, USA, The 15th IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration, IEEE IRI-2014, www .i e e e -i r i .org; V ä s t e r å s, Sweden, IEEE signature conference on computer software & applications, www .com p s ac .org; Anchorage, Alaska, USA, 10th World Congress on Services, Big Data, Cloud Computing, Mobile Services, Web Services, http://www .services congress .org; Phoenix, Arizona, USA, 28th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium, www .i p d p s .org; Yokohama Joho Bunka Center, Yokohama, Japan, IEEE Symposium on Low-Power and High-Speed Chips, COOL Chips XVII, http://www .cool chips .org; Oxford, UK, IEEE Mobile Cloud 2014, http://www .mobile-cloud .net, Symposium on Service-Oriented System, IEEE S OS E 2014, http://sose2014.com; i V CE 2014, 6th International Workshop on Internet - based Virtual Computing Environment, www .s e i. p k u .edu .cn / conference / i v c e 2014; Long Beach, CA, USA, IEEE S T C 2014, 26th Annual IEEE Software Technology Conference, http:// i e e e - s t c .org; Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim, CA, California, USA, Electronics WEST, www .electronics west show .com; World Agriculture Expo, Tulare, California, USA, 47th years of the largest show in the world, on 2.6 million Sq Ft lot arena, 70+ nation's representatives, 1,400+ exhibitors, 100,000+ people will be attended; Tractors e.g. towering, ... , farming equipments e.g. harvesting, ... , machines e.g. milking, ... ; Tourist tours approx. 40~50 $/person, including lunch; Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2014 International C E S, www .c e s web .org;
2014: The Ritz-Carlton, K a p a l u a, Maui, Hawaii, USA, Sharp Health Care's 2014 Primary Care Conference, www .sharp .com; V d a r a, Las Vegas, NV, USA, CME courses, www .a-cross medicine reviews .com; 2014 Fall season, Primary Care Conference Series, www .cm e meeting .org; Las Vegas, NV, USA, selected topics in internal medicine, http:// a a f p .org/internal -me d-course; H a p u n a Beach Prince Hotel, Big Island, Hawaii, USA, 20th Annual Conference on Women's Health: Care of Women over 50, www .s y m p o s i a m e d i c us .org; Atlantis Resort, Paradise Island, Bahamas, 25th Annual Conference on Hot Topics in Primary Care, www . s y m p o s i am ed i c us .org; Paradise Point Resort & spa, San Diego, California, USA, Science and Connection: A new era of integrative health and medicine, (A H M A, A I H M, Scripps, American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine), www .s c r i p p s. org/conference services; Hotel Monaco, Seattle, Washington, USA, 12th Annual West Coast Colorectal Cancer Symposium, www .Swedish .org/cm e; Stanford Sierra Camp on beautiful Fallen Leaf Lake, South Lake Tahoe, California, USA, U C DAVIS HEALTH SYSTEM, 28.25 CME, 38th ANNUAL FINGERS TO THE TOES, Comprehensive Review of Primary Care O r t h o p a e d i c s, http://cm e. u c d a v i s .edu/conferences; Hilton Sacramento Arden West, Sacramento, California, USA, EMERGING CHALLENGES IN PRIMARY CARE, N ACE, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR CONTINUING EDUCATION, www .n ace online .com; Squaw Valley, Lake Tahoe, California, USA, The National Conference on Wilderness & Travel Medicine, www .wilderness-medicine .com; Resort at Squaw Creek, North Lake Tahoe, California, USA, U C S F Essentials of Primary Care, A Core Curriculum for Ambulatory Practice, www .cm e. u c s f .edu; Hilton San Diego Resort, San Diego, California, USA, Scripps 31st Annual Primary Care Summer Conference, www .s c r i p p s .org/pc summer; hypertension Management; wilderness dermatology; pain management; pulmonary exacerbations; melanoma / d e r m o -scopy; headache pain Dx; ophthalmology by primary care physician; DSM-V personality disorders & addiction; primary care updates; outpatient's heart failure; Primary Care Providers' disaster plans; common musculoskeletal injuries in Primary Care; testosterone replacement therapy; H a p u n a Beach Prince Hotel, Mauna Kea, Big Island, Hawaii, USA, U C S F Essentials of Women's Health, www .cm e .u c s f .edu; PARNASSUS CAMPUS, San Francisco, California, USA, U C S F 42nd Annual Advances in Internal Medicine, www .cm e .u c s f .edu; SEAPORT HOTEL & WORLD TRADE CENTER, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, USA, J o s l i n Diabetes Center, ADVANCES IN CARDIO METABOLIC HEALTH, A PRIMARY CARE SUMMIT 2014, www .j o s lin .org/cardio summit .html; The Lodge at Sonoma, A Renaissance Resort & Spa, California, USA, U C DAVIS Health System, Women's Health Conference, http://b it .l y / 1 d 2 r D Q P; Casa Marina, Key West, Florida, USA, US F HEALTH 15th Annual Dermatology for the non-dermatologist, National Meeting, www .cm e .h s c .u s f .edu; Westin Market Street San Francisco, California, USA, U C S F High Risk Emergency Medicine, www .high risk e m .com; Hilton San Diego Bay front, San Diego, California, USA, U C San Diego School of Medicine, Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias, http://c me .u c s d .edu/ a l z h e i m e r s; Hyatt Regency Century Plaza, Los Angeles, California, USA, 41st Annual UCLA Family Medicine Refresher Course, www .cm e .u c l a .edu/courses; The Hilton Financial District, San Francisco, California, USA, U C S F 42nd Annual Advances in Internal Medicine, www .cm e .u c s f .edu; Renaissance Esmeralda, Indian Wells, California, USA, California Academy of Family Physicians The 66th Annual Scientific Assembly, www .family docs .org; Garden Court Hotel, 520 Cowper Street, Palo Alto, CA 94301, Stanford Medicine, The Stanford Dept. of Neurosurgery and O r t h o p a e d i c s, Navigating Spine Care, http://cm e .s tan for d hospital .org; Hilton Sacramento Arden West, 10th Annual U C Davis Spine Care Conference for the Primary Care Provider, http://c me .u c d a v i s .edu/conferences; U C San Diego H SEC Auditorium, La Jolla, California, USA, Topics & Advances in INTERNAL MEDICINE, http://cm e .u c s d .edu/internal me d; San Francisco, California, USA, U C S F 35th Annual Advances in Infectious Diseases: New Directions for Primary Care, www .cm e .u c s f .edu; W a i l e a Beach Marriott Hotel, Maui, Hawaii, USA, Primary Care Medicine Update 2014, U C S F, www .cm e .u c s f .edu; Millennium Biltmore Hotel, Los Angeles, California, USA, 18th Annual Heart Failure 2014 An Update on Therapy, www .l a heart failure .com; Lodge at Sonoma Renaissance, Sonoma, California, USA, 5th annual Critical Ultrasound for Patient Care, www .cm e .u c s f .edu; Hotel Kabuki, San Francisco, California, USA, DIABETES UPDATE AND ADVANCES IN ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM, U C S F School of Medicine, www .c me. u c s f .edu; Grand W a i l e a, Maui, Hawaii, USA, 42nd Annual US C Diagnostic & Therapeutic Skills in Internal Medicine, Keck School of Medicine of US C, www .us c .edu/cm e; The M e r i t age, Napa, California, USA, 12th Annual U C DAVIS Clinical P h a r m a c o t h e r a p h y, Practical Information for Primary Care Providers, Specialists, Pharmacists, NPs, PA s and Nurses, http://cm e .u c d a v is .edu/conferences; (CME 16.5 AMA PRA C1 credit); Grand Hyatt Hotel, San Francisco, California, USA, Family Medicine Board Review, Improving Clinical Care Across the Lifespan, U C S F, www .cm e .u c s f .edu; Sacramento Convention Center, Sacramento, California, USA, Advancing Clinical Care and Improving Adherence for Patients with Diabetes, www .me d -i q .com, www .t co y d. or g; Radisson Fort McDowell Resort & Conference Center, Scottsdale, AZ 85264, USA, 15th Annual Southwest Nephrology Conference & Second Convention of Cardio Renal Society of America, www .a z kidney. or g, www .cardio renal society .org, www .s w n c. or g; Red Lion Hotel, Woodlake, Sacramento, California, USA, 40th Annual U C DAVIS Diabetes & Endocrinology Symposium, http://cm e .u c d a v i s .edu/conferences; (C ME 11.5 AMA PRA C1 credit); Canyons Resort, Park City, Utah, USA, 4th Annual Sports Medicine Winter Summit; Napa Valley Marriot, Napa, California, USA, The Napa Primary Care Conference; Royal K o n a Resort, Kailua-K o n a, Hawaii, USA, 25th Annual Iron Man Sports Medicine Conference; www .cm x travel .com; Hilton Waikoloa Hotel, The Big Island, Hawaii, HI, USA, Skin Disease Education Foundation, 38th annual Hawaii Dermatology Seminar, www .global academy cm e .com/s def; J W MARRIOT I H I L A N I RESORT, OAHU, HAWAII, USA, U C S F High Risk Emergency Medicine Hawaii, www .cm e .u c s f .edu; Grand Hyatt Resort and Spa, Koloa, Kauai, Hawaii, USA, 26th Annual SELECTED TOPICS IN INTERNAL MEDICINE, MAYO CLINIC, http://www .m a y o .edu/cm e/s t i m 2014;
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2013: Denver, Colorado, USA, 26th IEEE / ACM International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, http://sc13.supercomputing.org; Bologna, Italy, 6th International Conference on Mobile Wireless, Middleware, Operating Systems, and Apps, http://m o b i l ware .org; J a v i t s Convention Center, New York, USA, customer engagement technology world, www .c e t world .com; Hilton A n a t o l e, Dallas, Texas, USA, Annual Convention & Tradeshow, www .h ft p .org, Emerging Technologies, Excel Graphics, Hacking/System Security, Outsourcing, Project Management, Public Speaking, Purchasing Strategies, Software Tools; San Francisco, California, USA, Oracle Open World, http://o r a c l e .c o m /open world; 400 Demos, 475 Exhibitors, 1700 Sessions, ... , sponsored by Deloitte, Fujitsu, Intel, C S C, B a d g e v i l l e, C a p g e mini, P W C, ... ; Irvine, California, USA, http://i e e e -i c s c .org/i c s c , Semantic Computing; Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, http://a so n am .c p s c .u Calgary .ca/index .p hp, Social Network Analysis and Mining; The Expanding Sphere of Software and Data, Kyoto, Japan, www .com p s ac. or g, sponsored by IEEE Computer Society; 37th Annual International Computer Software & Applications Conference, COM PS AC , sponsored by Information Processing Society of Japan; http://com p s a c .c s .i a state .edu; Redmond, WA, USA, Software Experts Summit, www .computer .org/s e s 13, Smart Data Science; Philadelphia, PA, USA, IEEE The 33rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, Cloud Computing, Mobile Services, Services Computing, Services Economics, Web Services, http://www .c is .t e m p l e .edu/i c d c s ; Santa Clara Marriott, Silicon Valley, California, USA, IEEE 9th World Congress on Services, http://www .services congress .org; Minneapolis Convention Center, Minneapolis, USA, HI TEC , H FTP, www .i t e s s o .com; N i g i t a, Japan, International Conference on Software Engineering, http://ac is .c p s .cm i c h. edu/IC IS /index .html; Orlando, USA, IBM Technical Summit, Innovate , www .i b m. c o m/innovate; Phoenix, AZ, USA, Gartner Supply Chain Executive Conference, www .g art n e r .com/us /supplychain; Sands Expo & Convention Center, Las Vegas, NV, USA, C T I A The Mobile Market place, www .c t i a .com; San Francisco, CA, USA, 34th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, http://www .i e e e -security .org/T C/S P /; Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas, NV, USA, INTER OP, Cloud Computing, Collaboration, EXPO, Information Security and Risk Management, Networking, Virtualization, Wireless & Mobility, www .inter o p. c o m / lasvegas; Yokohama Joho Bunka Center (i.e. Yokohama Media & Communications Center), Yokohama, Japan, IEEE Symposium on Low-Power and High-Speed Chips, COOL Chips XVI, www .cool chips. or g; Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, IEEE ST C , 25th IEEE Software Technology Conference, http://www .s s t c -online .org; San Francisco, USA, IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering, IC2E , www .engineering .l e e d s .ac .uk/computing/conferences/IC2E ; Gaylord Palms Convention Center, Orlando, FL, USA, 140+ companies, Cloud-based Communications Services and Systems, Contact Center Systems Services and Applications, Management & Security, Mobility/Wireless Communications, SIP Trunk in g and Next Generation Public Networks, Social Networks and Applications, Unified Communications, Video Systems and Services, Web R T C, Enterprise CONNECT Conference & Exhibition, www .enterprise connect .com/or l an do; Orlando, FL, USA, 20th IEEE Virtual Reality, http://conferences .computer. or g/v r/ ; 3D user interface, augmented reality, h a p tics, virtual environments, ... ; Mexico City, Mexico, 11th International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems, IS AD S , www .is ad s mexico .mx; M o s con e Center, San Francisco, California, USA, R S A Conference , 350+ exhibitors, ... www .r s a conference .com/i n f o w k; Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim, California, USA, Electronics West, assembly board inspection systems, assembly board test systems, clean energy systems, electromechanical components, electros contract manufacturing, embedded systems software, PCB production equipments, power components and sources, semiconductors, switches, transformers, wires and cables, www .electronics west show .com; Santa Clara Convention Center, Santa Clara, California, USA, Design Con Conference & Expo, F P G A design and Debug, High-Speed Serial Design, ICs and more, Interconnect Technologies, PCB design tools, R F and Signal Integrity, Semiconductor Components, Verification Tools, www .design con .com; US EN IX conferences, www .us en ix .org;
2013: A A F P CME Live Courses, www .a a f p. or g/live cm e; Hilton San Francisco Financial District Hotel, California, USA, U C S F 's Annual Review in Family Medicine, www .cm e .u c s f .edu; Westin Market Street, San Francisco, California, USA, U C S F 's The 26th Annual Medical Management of HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis, www .cm e .u c s f .edu; Loews Port of i no Bay Hotel at Universal Orlando, Orlando, Florida, USA, Internal Medicine for Primary Care, www .m e r. or g; PRIMARY CARE CONFERENCES, CME, ... ; Hyatt Regency, New Orleans, LA, USA, 14th Annual Southern Hospital Medicine Conference, www .south e r n hospital medicine .org; Hotel N i k k o, San Francisco, USA, U C S F primary care medicine: Principles & Practice, www .cm e .u c s f .edu; La Fonda on the Plaza, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, U NM and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, The 17th Annual Update and Review of Internal Medicine , http://so m .u nm .edu/cm e; Grand Hyatt Seattle, Seattle, Washington, USA, MAYO CLINIC, An Overview of Per i o per at i v e Medicine , www .m a y o .edu/cm e/per i o per at i v e-medicine- ; Island Hotel, Newport Beach, California, USA, Skin Disease Education Foundation, Women's & Pediatric Dermatology Seminar, www .global academy cm e .com/s def; The Lancaster Host Golf Resort and Conference Center, Lancaster, PA, USA, School of Medicine, Temple University, 37th Semi-annual spring and fall, FAMILY PRACTICE REVIEW COURSE, www .t e m p l e .edu/cm e; A A F P Scientific Assembly, San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, California, USA, http://a a f p .org/assembly; Mandalay Bay Hotel, Las Vegas, USA, 6th Annual Perspectives in Rheumatic Diseases, www .global academy cm e .com/ rheumatology; Coronado Island Marriott Hotel, San Diego, California, USA, CELL SOCIETY, 3rd annual clinical meeting, www .cm e .h s c .us f .edu; San Francisco, California, USA, U C S F High Risk Emergency Medicine, www .high risk e m .com; Four Season Hotel, Las Vegas, NV, USA, National Primary Care Conference , Kaiser Permanente (i.e. www .kp .org) PRIMARY CARE, www .kp primary care conference .org; The M e r i t age, Napa, CA, USA, U C DAVIS, Clinical Pharmacotherapy, Practical Information for Primary Care Providers, Specialists, Pharmacists, NPs, P As, and Nurses, http://cm e .u c d a v i s .edu/ conferences; Hilton Financial District Hotel, San Francisco, California, USA, U C S F 4th Annual Critical Ultrasound For Patient Care, Emergency Medicine, www .cm e .u c s f .edu; Santa Clara Convention Center, Santa Clara, California, USA, U C San Diego School of Medicine, improving clinical care and adherence for patients with diabetes, T C O YD, www .t c o yd .org; Grand W a i l e a, Maui, Hawaii, USA, Keck School of Medicine of US C, 41st Annual US C Diagnostic and Therapeutic Skills and Internal Medicine, www .us c .edu/cm e; Hilton San Francisco Financial District, San Francisco, California, USA, U C S F Diabetes Update and Advances in Endocrinology and Metabolism, www .cm e .u c s f .edu; Laurel Heights Conference Center, San Francisco, California, USA, U C S F 12th annual Developmental Disabilities, an update for health professionals, www .cm e .u c s f .edu; Resort at Squaw Creek, Lake Tahoe, California, USA, U C Davis Health System, Vascular Care , www .u cd m c .u cd a v is .edu/vascular; The Westin Mission Hills Resort & Spa, Rancho Mirage, California, USA, The 26th Annual Practicing Physician's Approach To The Difficult Headache Patient, DIAMOND HEADACHE CLINIC RESEARCH & EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION, www .d h c-f d n. or g; J W Marriot I h i l a n i Resort, Oahu, Hawaii, USA, U C S F High Risk Emergency Medicine Hawaii, www .high risk khawaii .com; Red Lion Hotel, Woodlake, Sacramento, California, USA, U C Davis Health System, 31st annual Infectious Diseases Conference, http://cm e .u c d a v is .edu/conferences; The Ritz-Carlton Lake Tahoe, MID-MOUNTAIN AT NORTH STAR-AT-TAHOE, TRUCKEE, California, USA, Emergency Medicine , 36th Annual U C Davis Winter Conference, http://cm e .u cd a v is .edu/conferences; The Westin Maui Resort, Maui, Hawaii, USA, Primary Care Winter Conference, www .cm e meeting .org; H a p u n a Beach Prince Hotel, Big Island, Hawaii, USA, 24th Annual Winter Conference on Emergency Medicine, www .s y m p o s i am ed i c us .org; Hilton Marco Island Resort & Spa, Marco Island, Florida, USA, Essential in Primary Care Winter Conference, www .cm e meeting .org; The Fairmont Orchid, K o h a l a Coast, The Big Island of Hawaii, Hawaii, USA, 25th Annual Selected Topics in Internal Medicine, http://www .m a y o .e d u/c me; Harrah's Lake Tahoe, Stateline, Nevada, USA, N A F P, Nevada Academy of Family Physicians, 45th annual Winter CME Meeting, www .n v a f p .com;
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2012: M e s s e M ü n c h e n, electron i ca , 25th International Trade Fair for Electronic Components, www .electronic a .de; Santa Clara Convention Center, Silicon Valley, California, USA, E2 Innovate Conference & Expo, 40+ companies, www.e2conf.com/innovate; Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, 25th IEEE/ACM International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, http://sc12.supercomputing.org; J a v i t s Convention Center, New York, USA, Customer Engagement Technology World, www .c e t world .com; nano nation; NEC; NCR; SAMSUNG; One Source Interactive; Tri l i b is Mobile; P i z z l e; ARM O I L O; T SG Global; Live Wire Digital; Kent ico Enterprise Marketing Solution; Digital screen media association; C TV MA; MM RA; Mobile Marketing Association; LB MA; R S P A; Euro Kiosks Network; ... ; Orlando, FL, USA, AGILE DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE, BETTER SOFTWARE CONFERENCE, www .s q e .com/better agile east; Santa Clara Convention Center, CA, USA, ARM Tech Con, www .arm tech con .com; Inter Continental Chicago O'Hare, Hotel, IL, USA, e c i a, Electronic Components Industry Association Executive Conference, www .e c i a l online .org; Seattle, Washington, USA, 18th IEEE Info V is Conference, www .v is week .org, biological data visualization, information visualization, large scale data analysis, ... ; San Francisco, California, USA, http://o r a c l e .com/open world; 399+ demos; 449+ exhibitors; 1999+ sessions; Orlando, Florida, USA, R DC Summit , www .r dc summit .com; Hynes Convention Center, Boston, MA, USA, design east, center of the engineering universe, http://east .u b m design .com; Android; design med; ESC; LED; sensors; Chicago, Illinois, USA, Cloud Connect, www .cloud connect event .com; Pittsburgh, PA, USA, IA CC, International Association for Computers and Communication, www .i c p p .org, 41st Annual Conference; IC PP, International Conference on Parallel Processing; Algorithm Design and Parallelism, Applications, Architecture, Compilers and Run-Time Systems, Networking and Communication, Performance Modeling and Evaluation, Programming Models, Languages & Environments; Cupertino, California, USA, A Symposium on High Performance Chips, www .h o t chips.org; Tuscany Suites & Casino, Las Vegas, USA, IEEE I R I- , The 13th IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse & Integration, http://www .s is .p it t.edu/~i r i /; Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino, Las Vegas, NV, USA, Retail , www .go r s p a .org; Chicago, Illinois, USA, M W A A Conference; I z m i r, Turkey, COM PS AC , The 36th International Conference on Computer Software & Applications, www .com p s ac .org; I z m i r, Turkey, SAINT , The 12th International Symposium on Applications & the Internet, www .saint conference .org; San Francisco, California, USA, IS A CA 's World Congress, INSIGHTS , www .i s a ca. or g; Hyatt Regency Resort & Spa, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, IEEE 8th World Congress on Services, www .services congress .org; Turning Stone Resort & Casino, Verona, New York, NY, USA, NY Tech Summit, http://n y tech summit .com; Rhode Island Convention Center, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, 25th IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, www .c v p r .org; J a v i t s Center, New York, NY, USA, info360, Conference, Expo, http://info 360 show .com; Me y den b a u e r Center and Hyatt Regency Bellevue, Bellevue, Washington, USA, AMD Fusion12 Developer Summit, http://am d. c o m/a f d s; Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, NV, USA, Better Software Conference West, Agile Development Conference West, www .s q e .com/better agile west; Zurich, Switzerland, IC SE , 34th International Conference on Software Engineering, www .if i. u z h .c h/i c s e /program; India, Cloud Connect, www .cloud connect event .com; Dresden, Germany, IEEE Technology Time Machine Symposium on Technologies Beyond 2020, A Future Directions Event, http://t t m .i e e e. or g; Shanghai, China, IP D PS, 26th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, www .i p d p s .org; Westin St. Francis, San Francisco, California, USA, 33rd IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, http://www .i e e e -security .org/t c/s p /; San Jose, California, USA, G P U Technology Conference, www .g put e c h con f .com; Saint Petersburg, Florida, USA, 8th Annual SE I Architecture Technology User Network Conference, Architecture Catalyst for Collaboration, www .s e i. c m u .edu / Saturn / ; Loews Royal Pacific Resort, Orlando, Florida, USA, IS AC A's North America C AC S, Computer Audit, Control and Security; Las Vegas, Mandalay Bay, USA, INTER OP, conference, expo, workshops, www .inter op .com /l as vegas, cloud computing, data center, mobility, networking, security, virtualization, ... ; Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington, DC, USA, USA SCIENCE & ENGINEERING FESTIVAL, GRAND FINALE EXPO & BOOK FAIR, www .us as c i e n c e festival .org; EE Times; Washington DC, USA, IC DE , 28th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, http://www.icde12.org/; Mc En e r y Convention Center, San Jose, California, USA, sensors in design, esc, www .u b m design .com/sensors; M o s cone West Convention Center, San Francisco, California, USA, CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT TECHNOLOGY WORLD, www .c e t world .com; , 100+ global companies ... , digital signage, mobile, self service kiosks, social media, ... ; M c En e r y Convention Center, San Jose, California, USA, design west, www .u b m design .com, Android, design med, embedded, LED, multi core, sensor, system integration, ... ; Gaylord Palms Convention Center, Orlando, FL, USA, Enterprise Connect, www .enterprise connect .com/or l an do, 130+ exhibitors, Cloud, Collaboration, Communication, Mobility, SIP Trunk, Video, ... ; Costa Mesa, California, USA, IEEE Virtual Reality , http://conferences .computer .org/v r/ /; M o s cone Center, San Francisco, California, USA, R S A CONFERENCE, www .r s a conference .com/in f o w k ; n t e r, California, USA, Cloud Connect, www .cloud connect event .com; Santa Clara Convention Center, DESIGN CON , www .design con .com, Conference & Exhibition, Analog and mixed signal verification, Chip level signal / power integrity, Electromagnetic compatibility & interference, F P G A debug & design, High speed digital design, Measurement & test methodology, Memory and parallel interface design, PCB tools & methods, PCB materials processing & characteristics, Power distribution network design, Power integrity design, R F / Microwave techniques for signal integrity;
2012: Westin, Market Street, San Francisco, California, USA, U C S F The Medical Management of HIV/AIDS, www .cm e .u c s f .edu; Hilton San Francisco, Financial District, San Francisco, California, USA, U C S F Annual Review in Family Medicine, www .cm e .u c s f .edu; Rio Mar, Puerto Rico, 13th Annual Fall Conference on Emergency Medicine, www .s y m p o s i a m e d i c us. or g; Westin Resort, Aruba, Dutch Caribbean, 23rd Annual Conference on Hot Topics in Primary Care, www . s y m p o s i a m e d i c us. or g; Hawks Cay Resort, Duck Key, Florida Keys, USA, 3rd Annual Essentials in Primary Care Fall Conference, www .cm e meeting .org; H a p u n a Beach Prince Hotel, Big Island, Hawaii, USA, 20th Annual Fall Conference on Women's Health, www .s y m p o s i a m e d i c us. or g; Hotel N i k k o, San Francisco, California, USA, U C S F PRIMARY CARE MEDICINE: PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE, www .cm e .u c s f .edu; Hilton San Diego Resort, San Diego, California, USA, 13th Annual The Science & Clinical Application of Integrative Holistic Medicine, www .s c r i p p s .org/conference services; The Sheraton Maui Resort and Spa, Maui, Hawaii, USA, Primary Care Conference, www .cm e meeting .com; Philadelphia, PA, USA, A A F P SCIENTIFIC ASSEMBLY, www .a a f p .or g/assembly; Monterey Marriott, Monterey, California, USA, U C DAVIS HEALTH SYSTEM, New Concepts and Emerging Therapies in Metabolic Disorders and Vascular Disease, http://cm e .u c d a v i s .edu/conferences; The Hilton Waikoloa, K o h a l a Coast, Big Island of Hawaii, Hawaii, USA, 32nd Annual Current Concepts in Primary Care Cardiology, U C DAVIS HEALTH SYSTEM, http://cm e .u c d a v is. edu /conferences; Fall season, USA, Primary Care Conferences, www .me r .org; Stanford Sierra Camp, South Lake Tahoe, California, USA, 36th Annual Fingers to the Toes Comprehensive Review of Primary Care Orthopedics, U C DAVIS HEALTH SYSTEM, http://cm e .u c d a v is .edu; Hilton San Francisco Union Square, San Francisco, California, USA, Optimizing Management of Multiple Sclerosis in the Managed Care Setting, www .cm e re g .com/ms m c o; FALL, California, USA, CHILDREN'S PEDIATRIC CLINICAL SYMPOSIUM SERIES, http://children scent r a l c a l. or g; Bell a g i o Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, American Academy of Pediatrics, www .p e dial in k. or g/cm e finder; Squaw Valley, Lake Tahoe, California, USA, The National Conference on Wilderness & Travel Medicine, www .wilderness-medicine .com; The Resort at Squaw Creek, Olympic Valley, California, USA, U C DAVIS HEALTH SYSTEM, update in gastroenterology and herpetology, http://cm e .u cd a v is .edu/conferences; Resort at Squaw Creek, North Lake Tahoe, California, USA, U C S F Essentials of Primary Care, Ambulatory Practice, www .cm e .u c s f .edu; University Union Ballroom, Sacramento State University, Sacramento, California, USA, The Summer Institute on Neuro developmental Disorders Across The Lifespan, Research and Practice, U C DAVIS HEALTH SYSTEM, http://cm e .u c d a v is .edu/conferences; The Hilton Financial District Hotel, San Francisco, California, USA, 9th Annual Osteoporosis, New Insights in Research, Diagnosis, and Clinical Care, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, U C SF, www .cm e .u c s f .edu; The Ritz-Carlton K a p a l u a, Maui, Hawaii, USA, 55th Annual US C Refresher Course in Medicine, www .us c .edu/cm e; The Fairmont Kea L a n i, Maui, HI, USA, U C DAVIS HEALTH SYSTEM, Emergency Medicine Update Hot Topics , http://cm e .u c d a v is .edu/conferences; Hyatt Regency, Sacramento, California, USA, U C DAVIS HEALTH SYSTEM, 10th Annual U C Davis Pulmonary and Critical Care Conference, http://cm e .u c d a v is .edu/conferences; H a p u n a Beach Prince Hotel, Mauna Kea, Big Island, Hawaii, USA, U C SF Essentials of Women's Health, primary care, gynecology, www .c me. u c s f. edu; U C SF Cole Hall, Parnassus Campus, San Francisco, California, USA, 40th Annual Advances in Internal Medicine, www .c me. u c s f. edu; Paradise Point Resort, San Diego, California, USA, 55th Annual Postgraduate Symposium, Family Medicine Update, www .sand i ego a f p. or g; Monterey Plaza Hotel, Monterey, California, USA, Cardiac Arrhythmias, Sudden Death, Inherited Cardiovascular Disease, Athletes, School of Medicine, Stanford, www .cm e .s t an f or d hospital .com; Kenai, Alaska, USA, 27th Annual Scientific Congress, Alaska Academy of Family Physicians, www .Alaska a f p.org; The Me r it age, Napa, California, USA, U C DAVIS HEALTH SYSTEM, Women's Health Conference, http://cm e .u c d a v is .edu/conferences; Casa Marina, Key West, Florida, USA, 13th Annual Dermatology for the Non-Dermatologist, National Meeting, US F HEALTH, www .cm e .h s c .us f .edu/dermatology 13; Westin San Francisco, Market Street, San Francisco, California, USA, U C S F High Risk Emergency Medicine, www .cm e .u c s f .edu; Omni San Diego Hotel, San Diego, California, USA, U C San Diego, School of Medicine, Alzheimer's Disease, Update on Research, Treatment & Care, http://cm e .u c s d .edu/a l z h e i m e r s; Intercontinental, Los Angeles Century City, Los Angeles, California, USA, UCLA Family Medicine, Refresher Course, 39th Annual, www .cm e .u c l a .edu/courses; The Renaissance Stanford Court Hotel, San Francisco, California, USA, 40th Annual Advances in Internal Medicine, www .cm e .u c s f .edu; Hilton Hotel, Arden West, Sacramento, California, USA, 8th Annual Spine Care Conference for the Primary Care Practitioner, U C DAVIS Health System, http://cm e .u c d a v is .edu/conferences; Hilton San Francisco, San Francisco, California, USA, 33rd Annual Advances In Infectious Diseases, U C S F, www .cm e .u c s f .edu; Memorial Medical Center, Health & Conference Center, McHenry Village, Modesto, California, USA, Pediatric Clinical Symposiums, www .children scent r a l c a l .org; Grand Hyatt Resort Kauai, Hawaii, USA, National Conference on Wilderness Medicine, www .wilderness-medicine .com; Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim, California, USA, P r i-Med West Conference & Exhibition, http://p r i-med .com / west /r 23; The Westin K i e r land Resort & Spa, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA, MAYO CLINIC, 23rd Annual Family Medicine and Internal Medicine Update, www .m a y o .edu/cm e; Grand W a i l e a Resort, W a i l e a, Maui, Hawaii, USA, 40th Annual US C Diagnostic and Therapeutic Skills in Internal Medicine, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, http://www .us cd i a g n o s tic .com; Catamaran Hotel, San Diego, California, USA, Topics and Advances in Internal Medicine, Topics and Advances in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, U C San Diego School of Medicine, http://cm e .u c s d .edu/internal me d; The Ritz-Carlton, Lake Tahoe, Mid-Mountain At North star-At-Tahoe, Truckee, California, USA, EMERGENCY MEDICINE , 35th Annual U C Davis Winter Conference, http://cm e .u c d a v is .edu/conferences; Big Sky Ski Resort, Montana, USA, The National Conference on Wilderness Medicine, www .wilderness-medicine .com; The Westin Mission Hills, Rancho Mirage, California, USA, www .d h c-f d n. or g, Diamond Headache Clinic Research & Educational Foundation, THE 25th ANNUAL PRACTICING PHYSICIAN'S APPROACH TO THE DIFFICULT HEADACHE PATIENT; J W Marriott I h i l a n i Resort, Oahu, Hawaii, USA, U C S F High Risk Emergency Medicine, www .cm e .u c s f .edu; H a p u n a Beach Prince Hotel, Big Island, Hawaii, USA, 19th Annual Conference on Office Gynecology & Women's Health for the Primary Care Provider, www .s y m p o s i am ed i c us. or g; The Ritz-Carlton, K a p a l u a, Maui, Hawaii, USA, 24th Annual Selected Topics In Internal Medicine, MAYO CLINIC, www .m a y o .edu/cm e/s t i m ;
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2011: Vancouver, Canada, IC DM IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, http://i cd m .c s .u Alberta .ca; Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, CA World' 11, Computer Associates' annual IT conference, meeting, and ... , www .c a .com/c a world; New Munich Trade Fair Center, Germany, product r on i c a , 19th International Trade Fair for Innovative Electronics Production, www .product r on i ca .com; Seattle, Washington, USA, International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, sc11.supercomputing.org; IEEE Computer Society; The Ohio Union of OS U, Columbus, Ohio, USA, CIO Leadership Exchange, www .tech tomorrow .org; The Santa Clara Convention Center, Santa Clara, California, USA, ARM Tech Con, www .arm tech con .com; Chip design; Software & systems design; Inter Continental Chicago, O'Hare Hotel, Illinois, USA, e c i a, Electronic Components Industry Association, Executive Conference, www .e c i a wards .com; Orlando, Florida, USA, Gartner Symposium IT X PO , www .g art n e r .com/us /symposium; San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, California, USA, C T I A Enterprise & Applications, Mobile Business, www .c t i a shows .com; M a k u h a r i M e s s e, Tokyo, Japan, C E A T E C, Combined Exhibition of Advanced Technologies, www .c e at e c. c o m; World's the most advance products, world's the 1st inventions, World's future consumer things, ... ; J a v i t s Convention Center, New York, USA, INTER OP, www .i n t e r o p .com/new y or k; San Francisco, California, USA, ORACLE OPEN WORLD, www .oracle .com/open world; 400+ demos, 450+ exhibitors, 2000+ sessions, ... ; Java One, www .oracle .com/java one; Design Con East, Designing with LED s, Design MED, ESC Boston, http://e s c .e e times .com/b o s ton; Application (H M I, Multimedia, Performance, Reliability, Remote Monitoring, Security, Systems Architecture, Wireless Networking, ... ); Embedded Software (Android, I/O, Linux, Networking, Open Source, Programming for storage, Programming Languages, Real Time Software, R T OS, Software Processes and Tools, Techniques, ... ); Hardware for Embedded Systems (Challenges and Solutions in Embedded Designs, Connectivity, Low Power Design, Memory, Microcontrollers, Programmable Logic, Security, ... ); Tools and Best Practices (Debugging, Design and Test, Optimizing, Process and Management, ... ); Topics in Embedded System Design (Architecture, Communication, Control Design, D S P, HW and Platform, Intellectual Property, Quality, ... ); Android Certificate Program; Taipei, Taiwan, IC PP, International Conference on Parallel Processing, The 40th Annual Conference, www .i c p p - .org; Algorithms Design and Parallelization; Architecture; Cloud Computing; Cluster and Grid Computing; Compilers, Program Models and Languages; Mobile Computing and Networks; Multi-core and Parallel Systems; OS and Runtime Technology; P2P Computing and Services; Performance and Modeling; Wireless/Sensor Networks and Pervasive Computing; Monarch Beach, California, USA, Information Week 500 Conference, www .information week .com/i w 500 pre re g; . Intel World Headquarters, Santa Clara, California, USA, IEEE Symposium on High Performance Interconnects, www .h o t i .org; Vancouver Convention Centre, British Columbia, Canada, The 38th International Conference & Exhibition on Computer Graphics & Interactive Techniques, www .s i g graph .org/s ; Tuscany Suites & Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, The IEEE International Conference on INFORMATION REUSE AND INTEGRATION; Sponsored by The IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society; http://www .s is .p it t .edu/~i ri /; Washington DC, USA, IEEE 7th World Congress on Services, www .services congress .org/ ; also see: http://conferences .computer .org/s cc; IEEE 9th International Conference on Web Services , www .i c w s .org; IEEE 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing , http://t he cloud computing .org; also see: http://conferences .computer .org/; Long Beach, California, USA, O D TUG kscope11, The top technical user group conference of the year, www.kscope11.com; 250+ technical sessions, including Application Express, BI and Oracle E PM, Database Development, Fusion Middleware, My SQL, ... ; Hynes Convention Center, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, Enterprise 2.0 Conference, Alfresco, A v a y a, Cisco, clear vale, IBM, INTREPID, jive, Microsoft, moxie, OPEN TEXT, ORACLE, s a b a, s p i g i t, yammer, ... , www.e2conf.com; Turning Stone Resort & Casino, New York, USA, NY Tech Summit, www .n y tech summit .com; CISCO; c x tech; hp; InformationWeek; T E R A C A I; Chicago, Illinois, USA, ESC sensors expo & conference, www .embedded .com; J e j u National University, Ramada Plaza Hotel, J e j u Island, Korea, C N S I , http://ac is. c p s .c m i c h .edu/C N S I /index .html; AI; Algorithms; Applications; Bio Engineering; Bioinformatics; Communication Systems; Computers; Data Mining; Database; Data Warehousing; Design Patterns; Economic & Financial Systems; Frameworks; Image Processing; Industrial Engineering; Intelligent Control Systems; Mobile Wireless Computing; Networks; Neural Networks; Pattern Recognition; Programming Languages; Software Architectures; Systems; Web Engineering; ... ; The Computer History Museum, Mountain View, California, USA, Software Experts Summit, www .computer .org/s e s 11; Anchorage, Alaska, USA, 25th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IP D PS , www .i p d p s .org; Algorithms; Applications; Architectures; Software; San Mateo County, California, USA, 7th Annual IEEE Architecture Technology User Network Conference, www .s e i .c m u .edu/s at u r n/ ; Mandalay Bay Convention Center, Las Vegas, USA, www .i n t e r op .com/l as v e gas; Cloud; Mobility; Networking; Security; Virtualization; IT solutions from 350+ leading vendors; Los Angeles, California, USA, Business Intelligence Summit , Master Data Management Summit , www .g art n e r .com; BI; MD M; M c E n e r y Convention Center, San Jose, Silicon Valley, California, USA, ESC Conference & Expo, www .embedded .com/s v; Android, ARM Cortex - M Architecture, Embed TCP/IP; Device Drivers, Firmware, F P G A-based D S P, Handle C++ interrupt, Open Source U EFI, Real-Time kernels, Re-factor Procedural C, ... ; Yokohama Joho Bunka Center, Yokohama Media & Communication Center, Yokohama, Japan, COOL Chips XIV, www .cool chips .org, IEEE Symposium on Low-Power and High-Speed Chips; Automotive; Biometrics; Digital Consumer Electronics; Encryption; Graphics; Healthcare; Medical; Mobile; Multimedia; Networking; Robotics; Bellagio, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, cloud, mobile, virtualization; the conversation begins here .com; Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington, DC, USA, info360 conference, www.info360show.com; EMC Information Intelligence Track; Microsoft Share Point Track; Oracle Track; Dell; IBM; Q l i k View; i D A T I X; acc u soft p e gas us; R e com Mind; ... ; Santa Clara Convention Center, California, USA, CLOUD CONNECT; sponsors: CISCO, IBM, in t e l, Microsoft, v m ware, ... ; rack space, SUN G A R D, t e r remark, ... ; a b i q u o, at&t, Cloud Test, GO GRID, ... ; A pi ca, A R I B A, BROCADE, cloud soft, keynote, Me g h a Ware, on app, riverbed, ... ; M o s cone Center, San Francisco, USA, R S A Conference, 20th anniversary; www .r s a conference .com/e week; www .r s a conference .com/i n f o w k; Santa Clara Convention Center, Santa Clara, California, USA, DESIGN CON, www .design con .com; A g i l e n t Technologies, L e C r o y, Mentor Graphics, Tektronix, Ram bus, ... ; Analog, IP, PCB, Power, R F, ... ;
2011: Hilton New York Hotel & Towers, Mid-Town Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA, 15th Annual Conference on Emergencies In Primary Care, www .s y m p o s i a m e d i c us. or g; Hotel N i k k o, San Francisco, California, USA, U C SF, University of California San Francisco, Controversies In Women's Health, www .cm e .u c s f .edu; Inter Continental, San Francisco, California, USA, The Medical Management of HIV / AIDS, www .cm e .u c s f .edu; Hilton Marco Island Resort & Spa, Marco Island, Florida, USA, 2nd Annual Essentials in Primary Care, Fall Conference, Session 2, CONTINUING EDUCATION COMPANY, www .cm e meeting .org; The Westin Maui Resort, K a ' a n a p a l i Beach, Maui, Hawaii, USA, 2nd Annual Essentials in Primary Care, Fall Conference, Session 1, CONTINUING EDUCATION COMPANY, www .cm e meeting .org; Napa, California, USA, U C SF 6th Annual Northern California Bone and Mineral Symposium; Alumni Center, Stanford, California, USA, Obesity in America, www .c me. s t an for d. edu; The Westin Maui, Ka a n a p a l i, Hawaii, USA, 31st Annual U C Davis Health System, Current Concepts In Primary Care Cardiology, http://c me. u c d a v is. edu/conferences; Orlando, USA, A A F P Scientific Assembly, www .a a f p .org/or l an do ; CME courses, E HR, exhibitors, expo hall, IT, medical equipments, publications, samples, tours, ... ; Hyatt at Olive 8, Seattle, Washington, USA, 11th Annual Nutrition And Wellness In Health & Disease, Mayo Clinic, www .m a y o .edu/cm e/nutrition- r340; The Westin San Francisco Market Street Hotel, San Francisco, California, USA, 8th Annual Osteoporosis, new insights in research, diagnosis, and clinical care, U C SF, www .c me. u c s f. edu; Big Sky Resort, Big Sky, Montana, Near Yellowstone National Park, USA, 16th Annual Summer Conference on PRIMARY CARE MEDICINE, www .s y m p o s i a m e d i c us. or g; IFF physician, A A F P category 1 CME; IFF nurse, AN CC contact hours, also approved by California; IFF pharmacologist, pharmacology credit; ACC ME; Napa Valley Marriott Hotel & Spa, Napa, California, USA, 12th Annual Summer Conference on Women's Health, www .s y m p o s i a m e d i c us. or g; Paradise Point Resort, San Diego, California, USA, San Diego Academy of Family Physicians, 54th Annual Postgraduate Symposium, Family Medicine Update , CME, www .re g online .com/sdafp11con; Hyatt Regency Lake Tahoe, Incline Village, Nevada, USA, U C DAVIS HEALTH SYSTEM, WOMEN'S HEALTH CONFERENCE; CME; http://c me. u c d a v is. edu/conferences; Grand Hyatt, Union Square, San Francisco, California, USA, CA FP 63rd Annual Scientific Assembly, www .family docs .org; Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim, California, USA, P r i-Med West CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION, Current Clinical Issues in Primary Care, 17 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits, www .p r i-med .com; Marriott Union Square, San Francisco, California, USA, 32nd ANNUAL ADVANCES IN INFECTIOUS DISEASES: New Directions for Primary Care, U C SF, www .c me. u c s f. edu; Hotel N i k k o, San Francisco, California, USA, U C SF Annual Review in Family Medicine; www .c me. u c s f. edu; Napa Valley Marriott, Napa, California, USA, 9th Annual U C Davis CLINICAL PHARMACOTHERAPY Practical Information for Physicians, Nurses, and Pharmacists, HEALTH SYSTEM, http://c me. u c d a v is. edu/conferences; Spring, www .m e r .org, Cardio / Pulmonary, Dermatology, Endocrinology, Geriatric, Infectious Disease, Internal Medicine, Neurology, Orthopedics, Rheumatology, Women's Health, ... ; San Diego Marriott La Jolla, La Jolla, California, USA, U C San Diego School of Medicine, Topics and Advances in Internal Medicine, Topics and Advances in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, http://cm e .u c s d .edu/internal me d; Radisson Hotel, Sacramento, California, USA, INFECTIOUS DISEASES CONFERENCE, 29th ANNUAL, U C DAVIS HEALTH SYSTEM; H e p a t i t u s B and C, HIV, Influenza, P e r t u s s i s, Sepsis, ... ;
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2010: Tokyo Game Show, Japan, WHERE 3D GUI, remote sensing, virtual reality, ... ; The Santa Clara Convention Center, California, USA, ARM TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE, www .arm tech on .com; Architecture; Design; IP; Processor; Semiconductor; S o C; free educational sessions, sponsored by Act el, ARM, Cadence, Common Platform, Free scale, Global Foundries, I A R, Marvell, Mentor Graphics, N X P, Samsung, S y n o p sys, ... ; Marina Del R e y, California, USA, I AS T E D, International Association of Science and Technology for Development, www .i as t e d .org; DISTRIBUTED SOFTWARE SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS (D S S A); HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING NETWORKING (H P C N); PARALLEL ALGORITHMS ARCHITECTURES (P A A); In addition, Access Control; Aesthetics; Applications; Application Software; Architecture; Artificial Intelligence; Authentication; Biometrics; Collaborative Systems; Communication; Communication Security; Cooperative Work; Cryptography; Data Mining; Data Protection; Economic Impact; Electromagnetic Interference; Graphics; H C I; Internet & Web Security; Knowledge Discovery; Mobile Ubiquitous Passive Software; Operating Systems; Portability; Programming Languages; Secure Sensor Networks; Security; Smart Cards; Software Design; Software Development; Software Reuse; Technology Forecasting; www .i n t e r op .com, J A V I T S CONVENTION CENTER, NEW YORK, NEW YORK, USA, IT Solutions, Cloud Computing, Collaboration, Data Center, IT Management, Mobility, Networking, Security, Virtualization, ... ; www .c t i as how .com, M OS CONE CENTER WEST, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, USA, C T I A, Enterprise & Applications, Conference, Exposition, Seminars, ... ; www.web2expo.com, New York, USA; www .oracle .com/open world, ORACLE OPEN WORLD, San Francisco, USA; 400+ Demos; 450+ Exhibitors; 1800+ Sessions; Diamond Sponsors: DELL, FUJITSU, HP, INFO SYS, INTEL, ... ; Premier Sponsors: CS C, NET APP, ... ; Elite Sponsors: DELOITTE, ... ; Grande Sponsors: ACCENT U RE, CAP GE MINI, COGNIZANT, EMC, PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS, SALES FORCE, T A T A CONSULTANCY SERVICES, W I PRO, ... ; InformationWeek 500 Conference, St. Regis, Monarch Beach, California, USA, www .info r mat ion week .com/i w 500 pre re g; information week conference .com; Red Hat Summit and J BOSS World, Boston, USA, www .red hat .com / summit / go; NY IT SUMMIT, www .n y tech summit .com, Turning Stone Resort & Casino, presented by CISCO, c x t e c, DELL, T E R A C A I, InformationWeek, ... ; H D I, www .think h d i .com, Dallas, TX, USA; INTER OP, www .i n t e r op .com, Technology including Cloud Computing, Data Center, Enterprise 2.0, Green IT, Information Security, Mobile Business, Networking, Storage, Video Conferencing, Virtualization, V o I P and Unified Communications, IT Management; Mandalay Bay Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA; info360, A I I M international exposition + conference, www .a ii me x p o .com, B PM/Workflow, Collaboration/Social Software, Data Capture + Imaging, Document Management, E CM Essentials, e Discovery, Education, Electronic Medical Records, Government, Information Organization + Access, Records Management, Share Point , Web Content Management / Portals, Web Services / S a a S, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia, PA, USA; H D I, www .think h d i .com, J W Marriott Union Square, San Francisco, CA, USA; R S A SECURITY CONFERENCE , M o s cone Center, San Francisco, CA, USA;
2010: Sharp HealthCare Primary Care Conference, Grand Hyatt Kauai Resort and Spa, 1571 P o i p u Road, Koloa, Kauai, Hawaii, www .sharp .com, phone: 1-800-82-sharp, A O A, American Osteopathic Association, CME A O A Category 2-A; AMA PRA Category 1 Credit for physicians; A A F P Scientific Assembly, Denver, Colorado, USA; City of Hope, www .city of hope .org/b re as to v a r i an , 5th Annual Conference, Cooper-Platt Conference Center, Duarte, California, Breast and Gynecologic cancers, Advancing prevention, diagnosis, and treatment; AMA PRA Category 1 credit for physicians; Physician's Assistant; CME Category 1 credit for license renewal of B RN, Board of Registered Nurses; American Urological Association, www .a u a net .org/Primary Care , CME course; San Francisco Hilton Hotel; BP H, Benign Pro-static Hyperplasia; ED, Erectile Dysfunction; L U T S, Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms; OAB, Overactive Bladder; Prostate Cancer; Renal Stone Disease; U C DAVIS HEALTH SYSTEM, 6th Annual Spine Care Conference for the Primary Care Practitioner, ACC ME, Hilton Hotel, Arden West, Sacramento, CA, California, USA, http://cm e .u c d a v i s .edu/conferences; http://c me. u c d a v is. edu; IFF Physician:1 AMA PRA credit; IFF A A F P, CME credit is pending; IFF Nurse: 1 AMA PRA credit; IFF Physician Assistant: 1 N C C P A AMA PRA credit; P r i-Med West, 15th Annual, CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION, CME, Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim, CA, California, USA, www .p ri-med .com;
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