; ; ; ; humanoid Global Military General; Updated in 2024 : 12 : 9 : "Myanmar" related

since 2024; KELVIN AUNG, REALTOR (B R E Number 02180082, D R E Number 02234740, California, USA)

URL: www.panterrahomeloans.com;

URL: www.panterrarealty.com;

Address: 5075 WARNER AVE. STE. 206, HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649, California, United States of America (USA);
E-mail: kelvin@panterrahomeloans.com ;
Hub Phone: 888 874 0867;
Mobile: 209 499 2512;

Remark: disclosure forms, escrow documentation (TITLE), financial loans (MORTGAGEE), real estates' transactions, services (appraisal, closings, COUNTY 's Assessor Office (DEED REGISTRATION), fair-and-square Interest Rate (APR%) log, impound (Insurance + Property Tax), Inspections, notary public records), Properties related (IRS 1030 exchange services, IRS 1099 services, IRS 1098 services) for INVESTORS, ... , in California, USA; Remark: in the near future, NY State's license and registration also;

since 2008; www.myanmarpolestar.com, travel agency ... ; MYANMAR   POLESTAR, TRAVELS & TOURS, J A T A, U M P T A, KYAW MIN H T I N @ THOMAS, (959) 5118813; (951) 382530, 370836-9 Ext: 508; Fax:(951) 382530; E-mail: p s t -m d @ myanmar .com .mm; pstmd1 @ g mail .com; J T B ;  Myanmar Polestar is pioneer in Nippon Myanmar online info for servicing tourism; Myanmar Polestar has employed NIPPON employees in Myanmar and Japan for its touring services ... ; as of 2019, Myanmar Polestar has been a successful tourist company in Myanmar with 46+ full time employees, and starting real estate investment (e.g. international standard hotels) in Union of Myanmar ... ;

since 2008; http://www.shwe-oo.com, Principle Creative Aung Shwe Oo, Master of Design (Digital Media) R C D C, S y d, Au., shweoo@gmail.com, Design | Consultation | Motion | Web; IFF Singapore (+65) 9423 7525; Myanmar, Singapore, ... ; If you are looking for real talent e.g. hand-drawing cartoon characters, hand-drawing and painting posters, special art works, ... , Aung Shwe Oo can do ... ;




A ;

www.acedentalriverside.com, dental, USA;

www.acesushi.com, sushi, welcome contractors in more than 600+ stores, 33+ states, in USA;

www.achievervacation.com, tour, San Gabriel, California, USA; Remark: www.a c h vacation .com;

www.afcsushi.com, sushi: welcome contractors in all states, in USA;

www.airmandalay.com, one of the companies in Union of Myanmar, domestic and international flights;

:  :  :   anzensei Security : AYA Bank, https://www.ayabank.com, in Myanmar (Burma); ; ;

www . a y i n e p a n .com, phone card, international phone call e.g. domestic phone number + 011 95 ... to Myanmar (Burma) + pin #; Min purchase amount 5$; Remark: NOT available, since 2024;

B ;

www.baldwinparkflower.com, flower, Baldwin Park Florist, Baldwin Park, California, USA;

www .Barclay insurance .com, insurance, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, USA;

www . b a w g a w a d i .com, auto parts, ... ; NOT available, since 2024;

www . b u r m e s e classic .com, media online; NOT available, since 2024;

C ;

:  :  :   anzensei Security : Central Bank of Myanmar, https://www.cbm.gov.mm, in Myanmar (Burma); ; ;

www .Chinese-gourmet-express .com, store, welcomes contractors, in CA, USA;


D ;



E ;

www .e u t e l s a t .com, communication via satellites, e.g. e u t e l s a t . a s i a ;

F ;

www . f p l myanmar .com, fire hazard, fire prevention, fire protection, fire safety; Myanmar, Singapore, ... ;

G ;

www . g s w a r .com, photography and video service, wedding photo package, Garden Grove, California, USA;

H ;



I ;

www . i n f o r i t h m - m a z e .com, dictionary, English-Myanmar PC CD-ROM dictionary;

International Myanmar monasteries, monastery, monks, dhamma ceremonies, ... ;

J ;



K ;

www.kaytumadi.com; Myanmar;

:  :  :   anzensei Security : K B Z Bank, https://www.kbzbank.com, in Myanmar (Burma); ; ;

www.kia.com.mm; Korea's international automotive; Also see: Automotive;

L ;

../Buddha/Referral/LANGUAGE TRANSLATOR ... , also see: Language Translator;

e.g. Burmese (Myanmar) < > English (EN) ... ;
e.g. Chinese (Taiwanese) <
> Myanmar (Burma) ... ;
e.g. Japanese (JP) <
> Myanmar (Burmese) ... ;
e.g. Left's language code <
> Right's language code ... ;
e.g. Myanmar (Burma) <
> English (EN) ... ;
e.g. Singaporean (Singapore English, Kanji language) <
> Burmese (Myanmar) ... ;

Also see: https://translate.google.com;

www . l a n t e r law . com, law office; USA;

www.lulucooking.blogspot.com, Burmese food cooking recipes, in Myanmar language;

M ;

since 2017; 2024; M Y A N M A Y A D A N A R CONSULTING SERVICES, founded by T h a n t Y a d a n a, M.B.A., B.A. (E. P. P.), diploma in Business Law, Translation Service, www. m y a n m a y a d a n a r consulting .com, E-mail: info @ m y a n m a y a d a n a r consulting .com, my part time service @ g mail .com, Phone: (95) 09 791 713 462; e.g. business related info (ISO numbers, law and regulations), logo registration, company name registration, ... in Myanmar; NOT available, since 2024;

www . m a n d a l a y gazette .com, newspaper periodical, Mandalay Gazette, 724, South Old Ranch Rd., #B A r e a d i a, CA 91007, USA. Tel:(626) 506-9607; Fax:(626) 254-9044;

www . m i n t h i l a .com, store, cash and carry service, to and from Myanmar-USA, Wood Side, New York, USA; Cash and carry service: ; Remark: authorization required to login, since 2024;

www . m m times .com, info, news, periodicals, ... ; Myanmar; Remark: NOT available, since 2024;

 :  :  :   anzensei Security : M O B Bank, https://www.mobmyanmar.com, in Myanmar (Burma); ; ; Remark: family owns bank in Myanmar; still up-and-running in 2024, but "legal or illegal" currency exchange rates mean "very high risk" in Biz (a.k.a. Business); TRUST cannot be built to military dictators worldwide;

www . c b m .gov .mm /content /myanmar -oriental -bank -ltd;

www . M o e M y i n t S a n .com, constructions in Myanmar, ... ; Remark: "billions dollar" investments stopped because of "B a m a" military coup in 2020s; since military dictators' military coup in 2020s, NOT available constructions in Myanmar; family owns "billion dollar" construction projects have stopped in Myanmar; beyond "Lakh-of-Lakh" money in Kyat Currency, doko WHERE are the TAX RECORDS, TRUSTS, ... ;

Also see: movie ... ;

www.mrlbayarea.com, real estate and loan, M R L Group, California, USA;

www.myanmar-housing.com, Chinese, English, Myanmar, Nippon, ... languages; Real Estate e.g. condo, home, industrial, land, ... for rent, for sale, ... ; Myanmar Housing is related to billions dollar investments in Myanmar, for developing infrastructure & living standard in Union of Myanmar; Myanmar Housing is pioneer in online real estate;

www.myanmarbookshop.com, book: if purchase >12.5 USD, free shipping, 7000+ books available, USA; Remark: did I borrow some books WHEN I was young ones (teens)?

www .myanmar dot com .com, information online; Myanmar Dot Com is pioneer in web domain development; Founded, designed & developed by Columbia University graduate Myanmar-Chinese-American architect engineer;

www.myanmargeneva.org, WHERE Myanmar A h l i n newspaper is available to read online, and etc.;

www.myanmarmp3.net, media online, Myanmar music, songs, ... ; Myanmar MP3 domain is pioneer in embedded songs online streaming; 2003-2021;

2565 in Buddha Sa Sa Na Calendar; 2021 December in Gregorian Calendar; Remark: (Hex = {FF,99,00}) Myanmar MP3 contents can be browsed via URL: https://soundcloud.com/myanmarmp3net ;

www.myanmarpandahotel.com, hotel, lodging, ... ; Myanmar;


www.mybhanu.com; Indian cuisine, Indian grocery; California, USA;


N ;

NHK, news online; Global; International; Universal; Also see: nhk; NHK;

O ;

Organization Association Committee, educational opportunities;

P ;

https://www.pandaexpress.com; Remark: more than 1000+ stores in USA, and expending its supply chained restaurants worldwide ... ; very high tech e.g. headquarter can be (J I T logistics, monitoring, seeing, visioning) each restaurant from its nearby LA, California headquarter, in USA;

www .park royal hotels .com, 33 Alan P y a P h a y a Road, Dagon Township, Yangon, Myanmar;

www.pebsteel.com.mm; Steel Buildings;

Q ;

QR Code; Also see: UPC vs. RFID;

R ;

www.rangoonruby.com, restaurants in California, USA;

S ;

Also see: Satellite;

www .super smile dental .com, dental, San Gabriel, California; Rosemead, California; USA;

www.sweethotelmyanmar.com; Myanmar;

T ;


URL     URL e.g. tsuki .info;


U ;



V ;



W ;

www.winnerinnmyanmar.com, hotel; Myanmar;

www.wintaxservices.com, tax documentation services, USA;


X ;

LTEXM; Also see: XM;

Y ;

:  :  :   anzensei Security : Y o m a Bank,  https://www.yomabank.com, in Myanmar (Burma); ; ;

Z ;


Reforming Myanmar, in 21st century :

www .ace jaw .net, information online and offline; information online, provided by ISP (Internet Service Provider): www .yahoo .com; Remark: www .ace jaw .net has been changed to www.acejaw.website, information online, provided by ISP www.bluehost.com (Blue Host, a part of Google);

www.americamyanmar.net, information online and offline; information online, provided by ISP (Internet Service Provider): www.web.com, Florida State based, in USA;


www.tsuki.info, http://global .tsuki .info forwards tsuki .info, for (link, linked, linking) triangulation of (ace jaw .net, americamyanmar.net, ... www.acejaw.website ... , u s a myanmar .net, u s a -myanmar .net) online only, and the Domain Name is provided by ISP Google;

 .  .  . Idea Processor based Artificial Intelligence (Server (s) . this DOMAIN 's web contents, approx. 19000+ items in 2024) for each human beings livable moon in our universes .  .  . ;

Anti-Earthquake design model ... ; 1 ; ;

Gene Therapy System design model ... ; 2 ; ;

Manmade Global Weather design model ... ; 3 ; ;

Nanobot Programming ... ; 4 ; ;

(Satellite + LTEXM) ... ; 5 ; ;

6_Planets_Prediction ... ; 6 ; ;

6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index ... ; 7 ; ;

(Invisibilities, Invisibility) variable DEE patterns ... ; 8 ; ;

wars e.g. Calendar.Earth.Space.War ... ; 9 ; ;
