nipponUnit     Last updated on 2016/2560 12 13, a full moon day;

Languages in Asia use counting units for each abstract existence, entity, physical object, ... , suffix alike; Concerning direct speech vs. indirect speech, counting unit is misused WHEN negatively speaking, therefore, languages in Asia cannot misuse defined counting unit; In English, prefix alike article a, an, the, ... , with *es, *ies, *s, ... ;

      Value Name Reference Remark      
10^4 man Multiplier; number 10000; ;
10^3 sen number 1000; ;
1000 kg Radical123; kilogram; metric ton; ton;
654 meter by meter Radical197; area unit;
50 home ritsuryo system;
3.927 kilo meter ri, old Japanese unit of distance;
2.44 mile
600 g Radical91; unit of weight;
453.6 unit of mass;
1.32 pound lb;
400 shou Radical49; square meter; field area unit;
278.26 liters Radical141; NIPPON (navy) loading capacity measurement;
180.39 volume measurement;
6.37 cu. ft. cubic feet;
100 Hyaku Radical280; number hundred;
79 Au Radical200; Yellow Gold (79) Au, Gold, 196.9;
78 Pt White Gold (78) Pt, Platinum, 195.0;
26 Fe metal iron (26) e.g. Fe, Ferr, Ferro, Iron, 55.8;
64 trigrams Radical171; one of the 64 trigrams; one of the trigrams of I Ching;
18 liter Radical90; to measure volume;
18 litres
1.0567   U.S. liquid quarts; 1L;
12 sign eastern zodiac; year-signs in zodiac; , , , , , , , , , , , ;
western zodiac; Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces; on ecliptic (but in Night Sky); also see: Constellations;
10 Juu Radical27; number ten; up JUN time;
9 Kyuu Radical34; number nine; numerological;
8 eight Radical14; lucky eight;
5 Go Radical122; number five;
5 pentatonic scale Radical160; degree of Chinese pentatonic scale;
degree of Japanese pentatonic scale;
3 pentatonic scale Radical181; 3rd degree pentatonic scale;
0.1 Jiao one tenth of yuan, China's monetary unit;
3.75 monme Radical103; milligrams;
0.03 sun millimeter; mm;
0.01 wari percent; %;
0.001   one thousandth of sun;
0.0001 yen old monetary unit;
3.03 Cun Radical48; Cun unit, unit of length, in traditional Chinese;
sun centimeter; cm;
  10th of shaku; measurement;
3 three Radical69; number three;
3 branch Radical162; tree; branching factors;
2 Radical144;
2 han size Radical132; cloth rolls;
2 two Radical7; number two;
2 side Radical216; 2-sided surface based computing (leaf, page) ... ; with depth; DEE box;

1-sided surface based computing (leaf, page) ... ; sheet;

1 Radical113;
1   Radical3; dot; tick;
1 article; item; Radical222;

IFF suffix: article; item;

1 counter 6cComputer;

; suffix alike;

1 day Radical94; time period;
1 drip; drop; Radical259; liquid; water;
1 kan kan Weight;

larger the gravity spot, lighter the (device's) weight is;
smaller the gravity spot, heavier the (device's) weight is;

Gravity Dimension Computer (AI) Automotive ... ;

1 meter Radical156; distance; meter gauge;
1 month Radical96; time period;
1 one Radical1; number one;

IFF measurement, also see: UNIT; in common, 5W1H noun (in action, not in action) ... ;

♯ + cat, ♯ + biki OR ♯ + hiki OR ♯ + piki, , also see: piki Fish;

♯ + pencil, ♯ + bon OR ♯ + hon OR ♯ + pon, ;

♯ + car, ♯ + dai, ;

♯ + yen, ♯ + en, ;

♯ + calendar month, ♯ + gatsu, ;     ♯(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)...;

♯ + o' clock hour, ♯ + ji, ;

♯ + house, ♯ + ken, ;

♯ + airplane, ♯ + ki, ;

♯ + apple fruit, ♯ + ko, ;

♯ + chair, ♯ + kyaku, ;

♯ + dish, ♯ + plate, ♯ + mai, ;

♯ + blouse, ♯ + knit shirt, ♯ + shirt, ♯ + mai, ;

♯ + 0000, 10000 ten thousand, 20000 twenty thousand, 30000 thirty thousand, 40000 forty thousand, 50000 fifty thousand, 60000 sixty thousand, 70000 seventy thousand, 80000 eighty thousand, 90000 ninety thousand, 100000 hundred thousand, ♯ + man, ; pronounce "mun" ; common among Asia; approx. 2500+ years old;

♯ + bowl of rice, ♯ + cup, 1+pai , 2+hai, 3+bai, 4+hai, 5+hai, 6+pai, 7+hai, 8+pai, 9+hai, 10+pai, ;

♯ + fish, 1+ piki , 2+hiki, 3+biki, 4+hiki, 5+hiki, 6+piki, 7+hiki, 8+piki, 9+hiki, 10+piki; ♯ + piki, ;

♯ + minute, ♯ + fun , ♯ + pun ; pronounce "pon";

♯ + flower, ♯ + rin, ; pronounce "lin";

♯ + book, ♯ + satsu, ; pronounce "sas";

♯ + 000, ♯ + K, ♯ + sen, ;

♯ + colorful paint, ♯ + shoku, ;

♯ + yacht, ♯ + soh, ;

♯ + shoe, 3 + zoku, ♯ + soku, ;

♯ + sox, 3 + zoku, ♯ + soku, ;

♯ + elephant, ♯ + toh, ;

♯ + horse, ♯ + toh, ;

♯ + bird, 1 + wa, 2 + wa, 3 + ba, , ♯ + wa, ;

