; ; ; ; Updated in 2024 : August : 8th (Thursday) : Vehicle ;

; ; ; ; Updated on 8 : 8 : 2024 : Vehicle ;

hatsugen Remark: SDV, Software Defined Vehicle, for (Honda + NISSAN) 's worldwide SDV R&D, since August, 2024; this DOMAIN developer's gift to (Honda + NISSAN) 's software architecture, software design, software engineering, software programming, software QA, software related Executable Application (App, application, Apps), software testing, worldwide (our earth) ... ; approx. 2 or 3 days to program SDV, and it is worth more than 2 or 3 trillions US Dollar;

nitotte For transport , using SDV ,
Soft ware Define d Vehicle s        
  SDV ;       e.g. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle ;
  SDV ;       e.g. kadosei Mobility ;
  SDV ;       e.g. Automotive ;
using SDV , Soft ware Define d Vehicle s
define yourself here !!              
    BMW ( 245 )   .   2
define yourself here !!              
  B Y D ( 274 )   .   4
define yourself here !!              
  GM ( 74 )   .   2
define yourself here !!              
  Honda ( 86541 )   .   6
define yourself here !!              
  Hyundai ( 8735419 )   .   1
define yourself here !!              
  NISSAN ( 591115 )   .   4
define yourself here !!              
  Toyota ( 267621 )   .   6
define yourself here !!              
  Volkswagen ( 4632151755 )   .   3
define yourself here !!              
    this DOMAIN : 144 i . e . SDV
M1A1H17Titanium22 : 41118172921593422          

Remark: in numerological (41118172921593422, ... , 591115, 86541, 274, 74, 267621, 4632151755, 8735419, ... ) are 256 Color Bitmap (*.bmp; *.dib) files ... And Then, if you're Chief Executive Officer (CEO), you should define yourself, very very easy and simple numerological ones ... ; Remark: (M1A1H17Titanium22, 41118172921593422) is this DOMAIN 's unbeatable && unbreakable imaginary hyperspace craft (Military Vehicle) for demolishing (foe, foes, enemies, enemy) worldwide, also see: Calendar . Earth . Space . War (our earth only) ... ;

I wrote: I need to QA (Quality Assurance) well trained kids' knowledge, so I've a quiz i.e. WHEN you're creating your own GIF Anime, WHAT kind of speed should be set?

well trained kids!! replied: 500 millisecond (Speed) sir; Hmm!! Umm!!

I wrote: Yes. Correct. One more quiz would be: above table's numerological numbers are WHAT kind of dimensional?

well trained kids!! replied: 23x23 sir;

I wrote: Yes. Correct. mochiron Of Course; be with your own systems ... ; this DOMAIN 's 10 dimensional numerological is mine, and I've revered 12 dimensional, and 14 dimensional for you;

I wrote: believe IT or NOT, it took approx. (( 2 or 3) days) to complete programming "SDV" for (Honda + NISSAN) R&D in 2024, so I've decided that "a gift" should be, instead of charging trillions of US Dollar; the most challenge in 21st century (our earth) would be: Anti-Earthquake design model; Also see: this DOMAIN 's USB controlled ... learn, realize, and understand THAT every light has its own haba Breadth in DEE, Dark Energy Engineering ... ; h a b a Breadth; h a b a Width; Radical717;
