; ; ; ; year 2566 in Buddha Sasana Calendar ... : 2022 : June : 6 (Monday) : Updated : r n a : RNA ;
IFF RNA , doko WHERE      
IFF RNA , doko      
(   t ,   T )    
(   u ,   U ) i.e. RNA ;
h x ,     H X      
  x ,       X i.e. RNA ,
          WHICH is O2  
base d ( ,      
      a , g )  
    ( ,    
      A , G )  
DNA ... ;          
... ;          

Also see: 1dComputer; 6rComputer;

e.g. (t, T) (u, U), i.e. RNA; in Nanobot Programming;

e.g. (t^=u^=t^=u), i.e. RNA; in C, C++, programming languages;

e.g. (^T^=U^=T^=U), i.e. RNA; in C, C++, programming languages;

e.g. O2 based ((a OR g), (A OR G)) (h x, H X (H y p o x i a n t i n)), i.e. O2 based RNA ; in Nanobot Programming;

e.g. O2 based ((a OR g), (A OR G)) (x, X (x a n t i n)), i.e. O2 based RNA ; in Nanobot Programming;

e.g. ((a, A)^=(h x, H X)^=(a, A)^=(h x, H X)), i.e. O2 based RNA; in C, C++, programming languages;

e.g. ((g, G)^=(h x, H X)^=(g, G)^=(h x, H X)), i.e. O2 based RNA; in C, C++, programming languages;

e.g. ((a, A)^=(x, X)^=(a, A)^=(x, X)), i.e. O2 based RNA; in C, C++, programming languages;

e.g. ((g, G)^=(x, X)^=(g, G)^=(x, X)), i.e. O2 based RNA; in C, C++, programming languages;

Remark: this DOMAIN recommends Nanobot Programming e.g. DNA _Origami Method, i.e. Graphics (Method, Procedure, Technique), with mapping by ( Lo Shu, and Sudoku) Algorithm in numerological, because easy to realize & understand 108, 1080, Display based (Method, Procedure, Technique) e.g. O C I based, Tablet based, ZCS based, ... ; this DOMAIN developer is "a Tarzan" alike Rakhine American WHO didn't design & model (Flat Panel, O C I, Tablet, ZCS, ... ) ;

well trained kids!! replied: instead of using (swap, swapped, swapping) Method (T, U), can we use RDBMS SQL sir?

I wrote: Yes, you can e.g. create a table called "A C G T" (Remark: DNA Table), And Then, create a table called "A C G U" (Remark: RNA Table), And Then, using INNER JOIN keyword, because we need to match records of "A C G"  e.g.

SELECT column name T AND U
FROM table name A C G T
INNER JOIN table name A C G U
ON table name A C G T . column name (A, C, G) = table name A C G U . column name (A, C, G) ;

good luck!! with INNER JOIN SQL query WHICH may prompt ("T" and "U") values, i.e. without (swap, swapped, swapping) ... so called RDBMS RNA mapping (Method, Procedure, Technique) ... ; Remark: since columns A, C, and G are matched, and after query, view-table with T and U values will be very (helpful, useful) to your anti viral COVID-19 R&D;

Suggestion: if you like to have your own lab ("your lab doesn't need to be expensive one"), be using old smart phone with a painted glass sheets like a box (sealed by silicon), then you can snap-shot the images on-screen; Also see: 6 surfaced DEE Box in Z-index, a Tarzan's Dark Energy Engineering ... ; Remember: all human beings livable moons are owned by the Shakya King;

Remark: if you still don't realize & understand HOW (dimensional, directional, logical, numerological, structural) 1st, read this DOMAIN 's one of the webpage (s) : avoiding Earthquake In Japan And Taiwan, step-by-step explanation of HOW ... ; 2nd, read this DOMAIN 's one of the webpage (s) : Physics law 234, (core, edge), i.e. Physics Law 234; if you still don't realize & understand, you're on your own like ethnic tribes of the Union of Myanmar, and Buddha did not teach the peoples WHO don't understand Dharma, a.k.a. Dhamma ... ; create your own tables, create your own numerological directional cells, create your own sequence factors to define ( BIOPHYSICS, BIOPHYSICS, BIOPHYSICS, BIOPHYSICS) ... e.g. biological cells, biomedical cells, immunological cells, oncological cells, pathological cells, ... also see: this DOMAIN 's Nanobot iPS Cells ... ;

("Tarzan") 's imaginary hyperspace (this DOMAIN 's Protein Wrapper); e.g.

Time e.g. HOW long the period of time: being my (mRNA carries genetic code) Nanobot be active in ((80% Water (blood)), (75% Water (muscle)), (65% Water (body))) ?

Space e.g. the (path, route, way) must be a correct (path, route, way) to survive (survival path, survival route, survival way), so WHICH (path, route, way) ?

Action e.g. HOW strong my Nanobot e.g. I've never had "flu" in my 1st life (as of age > 57+ years); Is ( My, My, My, My) antiviral medicine "a winner" to (defeat, demolish) unwanted airborne viruses ?

well trained kids!! replied: Umm!! Umm!! using "coconut water" is known as a "Tarzan" 's method, And Then, mixed with protein wrapper powder would be a solution to solve "unwanted nitrogen"  ... ;

Western civilization's info; e.g.

based on the DNA, Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) :

in common (2020s), Thymine is replaced by Uracil, i.e. RNA;
in common (2020s), single strand RNA, a.k.a. mRNA, messenger RNA;
in common (2020s), RNA is 1 strand; DNA is 2 strands;
in common (2020s), mRNA carries genetic codes (around the defined biological cell);
in common (2020s), if
genetic code of mRNA for the defined Protein (specific protein), a.k.a. structural ribosome, And Then, usage ribosomal RNA for each structural ribosome, so step-by-step building of Protein can be;

in 1968, American biochemist R o b e r t H o l l e y, Nobel Prize (physiology, medicine) for structure of transfer RNA (t RNA);

in 1933, Belgian biochemist J e a n B r a c h e t, proved THAT 2 types of ("Nucleic Acid") are DNA and RNA, doko WHERE DNA is localized in chromosomes, whereas RNA can be presented in the cell (cytoplasm), And Then, RNA can be "actively engage" (other wording would be (gate, pore) alike open (active), close (inactive)) in Protein (a.k.a. protein synthesis);

in 1910, German biochemist A l b r e c h t K o s s e l, Nobel Prize (physiology, medicine) for 5 units (Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine, Thymine, Uracil), based on (Protein in leucocytes (White Blood Cell), And Then, mystery substance THAT doesn't resemble with other proteins in the defined biological cell's nuclei (nowadays, it is a.k.a. Nucleic Acid));


I wrote: Reminder: I don't have any bio related academic degree in my 1st life, so you better learn from some others better qualified ones; Yes. I'm a "Tarzan" alike (without own lab);

Also see: Reference Books;
