Radicals (
Radical108) four strokes
in Kanji;
dimensional, e.g.
DEE Radio;
directional, e.g.
( 3 * 3 * 3 * 3 ), ( 10, 7, 10 );
2 phase
lunar (e.g. 7) vs. 4 phase lunar (e.g. 10); regarding
4 phase lunar (a.k.a.
, up Jun is 10, middle
Jun is 20, down Jun is 30;
logical, e.g.
HOW heat and light are, regarding our earth
(refer to heat and light are at the same
then our universes
(refer to heat and light are NOT at the
same location); for basic understanding, also see:
PHYSICS (law eleven)
... ;
regarding 2 phase lunar (e.g. 7) vs. 4 phase lunar (e.g. 10), 3 stokes in right, and then 1 stroke must NOT be parallel, another word would be: every 3 years, 1 day need to be adjusted;
idea (ellipse year) with 29 days in February IFF Gregorian Calendar with (4, 400) calculation ... ;
numerological, e.g.
structural, e.g.
HOW numbers 3, 6, and 9 are related to each other in numerical ?