Radical : Radical : Radical : ( Radical953) twelve strokes in Kanji;
dimensional, e.g.
directional, e.g.
using jinko chino Artificial Intelligence (for each ((Ref, Reference), (Val, Value))), to handle (return, Return, returned, returning) ... ;
logical, e.g.
Fuku in Hiragana: return;
in Kanji: restore; restored; restoring;
(resume; resumed; resuming), (return to; returned to; returning to), (revert; reverted; reverting);
Fuku (name); Sakae (female name); Shigeru (name);
numerological, e.g.
structural, e.g.
Fuku (female name, name); Radical332;
this DOMAIN 's recovery directory (folder) is : Desktop\Recovery\*.* /s ;
Two ( 2) is very very unique in many ways e.g. Using (, ) to be recovery from ꌁCoronavirus (COVID-19)ꌁ;
Radical ; Radical ; Radical ; Radicals;