Updated in 2565 : on 2021 : 6 : 23 : : : : p ECG;

Remark: I'm still developing "ecg Interpretation," NOT completed ones yet;


Remark: (Font Color (Maroon); Highlight (Hex (FF,FF,99))), doko WHERE ((Font Color (Hex (11,11,11)) with Highlight (Aqua))) to be defining and knowing by Gene Therapy System;


Angioplasty, a.k.a. balloon angioplasty, a.k.a. percutaneous trans luminal angioplasty; in common, Tx (arterial atherosclerosis), an endovascular procedure to widen (arteries, vein) because (narrowed (arteries, vein), obstructed (arteries, vein)) is abnormal;

ACTION Potential (Contractile Cell, Drug Effect, Pace-marker Cell) ... ;

Default _ECG _PRN; Also see: Default _ECG _PRN;

heart pumps;

Index _P; Also see: Index _Waves;

(irregular undulating baseline, irregular ventricular rhythm, absence of P waves, rapid atrial rate, variable ventricular response) describe Atrial Fibrillation ( AF) ... ; Also see: Atrial Fibrillation;

( PACs, PACs, PACs) ... ;

Pericardia, membrane enclosing the heart (inner double layer of serous membrane, outer fibrous layer) ... ;

Pericarditis vs. Myocardia Infarction; e.g.

Pericarditis; Myocardia Infarction;

Infarction, obstruction of the blood supply to (an organ, the region of tissue) by embolus or thrombus, causing death of the locally tissue;

Myocardial, relating to the muscular tissue of the heart;

Pericarditis, inflammation of the pericardium (membrane enclosing the heart (inner double layer of serous membrane, outer fibrous layer));

well trained kids! replied: WHY did you color "Green" and "Pink" sir?
I wrote: membrane is like "oxygen glow" on the other hand, tissue is like "pinky to be therapeutic" ... ;

P-to-P Interval; e.g.

P-to-P Interval; Also see: n ECG, e.g. Non compensatory Pause;

(Pulmonary Circulation, Systemic Circulation), also see: c ECG (CO) ... ;

( PVC, PVC, PVC) Premature Ventricular Complex, ... ;

Multiform PVC;

PVC bigeminy;


( e c g Interpretation, e c g Interpretation, e c g Interpretation), also see: ecg Interpretation;
