; ; ; ; Updated in 2024 : July : 6 (Saturday) : Blockers ;

; ; ; ; Updated on 6 : 7 : 2024 : Blockers ;

Remark: don't confuse between 2 similar usages: inhabit vs. inhibit, doko WHERE (inhabit e.g. dwell, live, reside, ... ) if compare to (inhibit e.g. blocking (defined, specified) ones like inhibitors; Also see: Blockers; Inhibitor Acronym; "AI" becomes very important!! in chiryoyaku Therapeutic Usage ... ;

"beta blockers as Rx," also see: Cardiovascular Dx;

beta blocker, e.g. A c e b u t o l o l, ... ; Also see: a Bio Chemical Physical Similarity;

Calcium channel blocker; e.g.

Calcium channel blockers are used for Tx (treating) high blood pressure; Calcium channel blockers can (improve, prevent, treat) symptoms of ((angina (chest pain)), (arrhythmia (irregular heartbeats)), coronary artery disease, (Ray n a u d 's disease (blood pressure conditions))), on the other hand, Calcium channel blocker's side effects are (constipation, dizziness, fatigue, flushing, headache, nausea, rash, palpitations (fast heartbeats), swelling at lower leg); Also see: Calcium;

Calcium channel blocker, e.g. A m l o d i p i n e, ... ; Also see: a Bio Chemical Physical Similarity;

Calcium channel blocker, e.g. D i l t i a z e m (C a r d i z e m, T i a z a c);

Calcium channel blocker, e.g. F e l o d i p i n e;

Calcium channel blocker, e.g. I s r a d i p i n e;

Calcium channel blocker, e.g. N i c a r d i p i n e;

Calcium channel blocker, e.g. N i f e d i p i n e (P r o c a r d i a);

Calcium channel blocker, e.g. N i s o l d i p i n e (S u l a r);

Calcium channel blocker, e.g. V e r a p a m i l (C a l a n SR, V e r e l a n);


statin; e.g.

statin (s), a.k.a. h y d r o x y methyl g l u t a r y l co-Enzyme (A r e d u c t a s e) inhibitor (be aware of age constraint e.g. (age > 55 years, age > 65 years, age > 75 years)) ... ; Also see: Blockers; Cardiovascular Dx; Inhibitor Acronym;


T N F Inhibitor, a.k.a. T N F blocker; Remark: Arthritis; Also see: Inhibitor Acronym;



well trained kids! replied: regarding a E C G, WHAT is the different between (beta blocker) and (Calcium channel blocker) sir ?

I wrote: using "beta blocker" to reduce heart rate, on the other hand, using "Calcium channel blocker" to regulate (Calcium), and they both are used WHILE Tx disease (high blood pressure);

Remark: "Calcium channel blocker" regulate (Calcium) but 4 possible exceptional handlings are ((blood pressure is down, heart rate is down), (blood pressure is down, heart rate is up), (blood pressure is up, heart rate is down), (blood pressure is up, heart rate is up)); 

Remark: exceptional handling (Pt, Patient) e.g. start using "Calcium channel blocker" IFF heart rate is almost 200;

well trained kids! replied: is there Potassium channel blocker sir ?

I wrote: in common, pancreas regulates "sugar" (glucose); at the cells' membranes level, (glucose) and (Potassium) are interchangeable; Remark: I (guess, imagine) i.e. whole body's cells like to eat glucose, potassium, ... ; Remark: I don't have a medical related academic degree, so learn from peoples with medical related degrees ... ;

Also see: Blockers; Inhibitor Acronym;
