Updated in 2564 : on 2021 : 4 : 16 : Atrial Conduction System ;

Atrial Conduction System;

( AV Node, Bundle of His, SA Node) ... ;

Bundle branches; Also see: Atrioventricular;

Bachmann's bundle;

heart in Atrial Conduction System, propagating electric impulses through specific routes, e.g. 3 inter-nodal tracts are from SA Node to Atrioventricular (AV) Node, a.k.a. (posterior inter-nodal tract, middle inter-nodal tract, anterior inter-nodal tract); Bachmann's bundle conducts electric impulses to the left atrium;

heart pumps;

( posterior inter-nodal tract, middle inter-nodal tract, anterior inter-nodal tract);



( e c g Interpretation, e c g Interpretation, e c g Interpretation), also see: ecg Interpretation;
