Error is ISP mail button causes FALSE thread;     Last updated on          

<title>Your ISP Mail Button</title>
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function getver()
var verlong = window.external.get('cv');
var vermajor = (verlong - (verlong%10000))/10000;
var verminor = (verlong - (verlong%100))/100 - (vermajor*100);
var verminor2 = verlong - (vermajor*10000) - (verminor*100);
var version = vermajor + '_' + verminor + '_' + verminor2;
return version;

var w= window.external.worker;
var button = 'yma';
var tip = 'etpmail';
var beaconY = '97475647';
var beaconN = '97475713';
var beaconPV = '97475616';


var r=Math.random();
w.navsil('' + beaconPV + '/rand=' + r + '/lng=us');


function an (num)
w.hltbutton(button, 'tip', num, false);
function no()

var r=Math.random();
w.navsil('' + beaconN + '/rand=' + r + '/lng=us');


function yes()

var r=Math.random();
w.navsil('' + beaconY + '/rand=' + r + '/lng=us');

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<tr width='100%' align='right'>
<td> <font size=0.5px><a href='' onClick='""+tip+"/"+getver()+"/about/*");return false;'>What is this?</a></font>&nbsp; </td>
<table cellpadding='5' cellspacing='0' border='0' width='450' class='middle'>
<img src='' />
<td id="msg">
Got Mail? Look to the Your_ISP Mail button on your Toolbar to know how many new emails are in your inbox.
<table cellpadding='8' cellspacing='0' border='0' width='450' class='bottom' id="tbl2">
<tr id='act' style='DISPLAY:inline'>
<td align="center">
<input type="button" value=" See how " name='button_help' id='button_help' onclick="yes();window.external.end(2); return false;">&nbsp;&nbsp;
<input type="button" value=" Close " name='button_close' id='button_close' onclick="no();window.external.end(2); return false;">